田中 朋弘
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.10, pp.25-38, 2016-03

This paper examines the character of professional responsibility, mainly with reference to the theory of common morality and particular moralities by Beauchamp and Childress. Furthermore, it examines the concepts of generality and particularity in normative ethical theories, the attitude approach and the role morality argument by Bowie, and two usages of reason by Kant. The professional responsibility is considered as a special role morality, which depends on some specialized and specific norms rather than on the general norms from the abstract principles. The theory of common morality and particular moralities has some persuasiveness, and it has the possibilities of being developed as a comprehensive normative ethical theory. However, there remains a question concerning the foundation of moral pluralism, and an issue of how usual moral judgments are located in their theory.


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