天谷 真奈美 岩崎 弥生 Amagai Manami Iwasaki Yayoi アマガイ マナミ イワサキ ヤヨイ
千葉看護学会会誌 (ISSN:13448846)
vol.12, no.1, pp.79-85, 2006-06-30

本研究の目的は社会的ひきこもり青年を抱える親のパワーレスと,そのエンパワメントの拡大に働く看護援助を明らかにすることである。対象は社会的ひきこもり青年の親で3事例である。ひきこもり青年は20歳半ばから30歳前半の全て男性で,3年から7.5年ひきこもっていた。看護援助指針に基づいて親に援助を実施し,質的分析を行った。また看護援助の効果を測定する質問紙調査を行った。結果,社会的ひきこもり青年を抱える親のパワーレスは7カテゴリーが抽出された。親のエンパワメントの拡大に働く看護援助カテゴリーは,【パートナーシップを確立し孤立感を和らげる援助】,【子育ての振り返りを見守る援助】【否定的自己感と向き合いつつ自尊感情を取り戻す援助】,【適切な対人距離がとれるよう認識を促す援助】,【親が見逃している他者の力量・可能性・思いに対する感受性を高める援助】,【多様な見方・意味づけの提示で,柔軟な物事の理解・とらえ方を拡大する援助】,【問題解決能力を養う援助】の7つが抽出された。これらの看護援助によって,家庭内のコミュニケーション,協働関係の再構築,ひきこもり青年の社会参加行動にも変化が得られた。特に子育ての振り返りを見守る援助は,過去の子育てに関する親の負担感と子供に対する罪悪感の表出を促し,葛藤の整理を行う上で効果的であった。家族の課題に現実的に対処する力を生み出す意味でも重要であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study was two-fold: a) to elucidate factors associated with parents' powerlessness in caring for the children who were socially withdrawn; b) to help those parents empower themselves in their struggles with their socially withdrawn children. Participants in the study were 3 mothers whose children have been socially withdrawn for long time. The socially withdrawn children were in their mid-twenties through mid-thirties. They had confined themselves in their homes from 3 to 7.5 years. Nursing care was given to those mothers after delineating intervention guide-lines on their enhancing empowerment. Data, which were collected for the study period of six months, were analyzed qualitatively and inductively. A questionnaire was used to measure the effects of nursing care. There were 7 categories of the mothers' powerlessness with regard to their children's socially withdrawnness. As well, there were 7 categories of the nursing care provided to those mothers.: 1) partnership established between the mothers and the nursing researcher, 2) looking back their parenting, 3) regaining self-esteem despite regrets, 4) setting a distance appropriately between their children and themselves, 5) enhancing the levels of sensitivity in identifying their family strengths, 6) being able to interpret different meanings form multiple perspective, and 7) enhancing problem-solving skills. As a result of nursing care provided for their mothers, higher levels of empowerment were observed on the mothers as well as on the rest of the family members. In particular, the following behavioral changes were noted: a) improved communication patterns among the family members; b) re-established mutual support between parents; c) no longer socially withdrawn, but getting out of their houses, getting employed, or going to vocational school. Especially nursing intervention supporting mothers to reflect their own parenting have been contributed providing the opportunities to express parenting burden and feeling of guilty, and regulate th


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