牧野 英三
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.18, no.1, pp.89-108, 1969-11

Jukai (ceremony for giving commandments of Buddhism) is held twice during" the whole Shunie function-about two o'clock in the morning on the 1st of March, and right before Jikjddsaho (rite performed at the dining hall) observed on the 8th of'March. Nearly the same thing is done on these two occasions. Wajo receives commandments from Binzurusonja in a most solemn manner and the other members are likewise given by Wajo commandments to be followed till the end of the Shunie function. While these rites are being performed, varius Shomyo (pl.) are recited, Wajo acting as leader. Most of these Shomyo are Hyohakumon whose contents are derived from the aforesaid commandments. The compass of voice applied is small, and the melody taken up is almost akin to that usually adopted for narration. Jikidosaho is the rite held at the Jikido (dining hall) before and after the meal which begins at about half past eleven o'clock every day. In this rite, Daidoshi and Dotsukasa taking the lead, various Shomyo (pl.) are recited. The nuclear parts of these Shomyo consist of Jinbun and Kaku, and are similar to the "Daidoshi-no-Inori" (prayers by Daidoshi) offered during the Goya period. It is to be noted, however, that here in this Kaku, Daidoshi and Dotsukasa alternately give their recitation. For about thirty minutes do these leaders offer their supplications, and thereafter the meal is eaten. These prayers are said for the sake of every citizen of Japan-from the Emperors down to the masses--of all ages, for the welfare of the whole country, for the comfortable life of all the people, for everybody's peaceful death and admission into paradice, and so forth. The melody" adopted here is very much like that taken up in the case of Jukai.


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こんな論文どうですか? 東大寺二月堂声明-6-授戒・食堂作法〔含旋律譜面〕(牧野 英三),1969 https://t.co/zbKSXPCKhh

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