越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.61, pp.175-181, 2010

In the present study, behavioral patterns of financial robberies who broke into banks and postoffices in Japan were analyzed. The analysis was based on the newspaper database resources. Theresults of the analysis showed that the typical type of robbery, in which the criminal threatened acounter staff with a knife, accounted for only 60 percent of all financial robberies, and that atypicaltypes of robberies had happened more frequently than expected. As the results of more detailedanalysis in MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling), it was found that the criminal could escape most easilywhen the criminal struck and robbed a bank customer who appeared to use a night-deposit safe.Finally, the method of the crime prevention in financial institutions was discussed based on theresults above.


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やべー。超面白い論文みつけた。「銀行・郵便局強盗の犯行パターン」 http://t.co/Jmcc6os 。

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