羽田 貴史 HATA Takashi
名古屋高等教育研究 (ISSN:13482459)
no.11, pp.293-312, 2011-03

本稿の目的は、Faculty development と呼称されている大学教員の能力開発についての諸問題を検討したものである。具体的には、①FD の概念、②大学教員の能力構造、③研究と教育の関係、④能力発達とキャリア・ステージの関係、⑤専門性発達の義務化、⑥専門性発達の責任主体の論点について、日本国内・諸外国の研究動向を批判的に検討し、課題を整理した。その結果、大学教員の能力を研究、教育、管理運営、組織的市民性、学問的誠実性など全面に渡って発達させることが重要なこと、キャリア・ステージに沿った支援プログラムが必要なこと、こうした専門性開発の責任は、大学教員自身が第1 に負うものであり、学部・学科など教員の属する組織運営が専門性開発を支援する責任を負うこと、教員・部局・センターのトライアングル構造と、キャリア・ステージに対応したプログラムが最大の課題であることを指摘した。Faculty development is a critical issue for improving higher education in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to examine some problems surrounding Faculty development, understood as attempts to develop educators in higher education institutions. This paper reviews the empirical research and some meta-analysis studies on Faculty development, including those conducted in foreign countries. Among the issues and questions to be discussed are: (1) the concept of Faculty development, (2) the role and competence of faculty, (3) the relationship between research and teaching, (4) the relationship between professional development and career stage in higher education, (5) professional development as an ethical goal of the profession, (6) the responsibility of professional development, and the roles of individual faculties, departments, and centers in teaching and learning. This paper concludes that a major goal of professional development for university faculty should be to develop the capability of faculty not only in the area of teaching skills but also in other areas such as overall research, university management, organizational citizenship, and academic integrity. As a final conclusion, effective programs should be created and implemented for professional development, focusing on faculty career needs at different stages, through cooperation with departments and CTL.


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CiNii 論文 -  羽田貴史(2011):大学教員の能力開発をめぐる課題 https://t.co/cOLN2FDLf1

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