南雲 智映 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
no.7, pp.329-359, 2010-03

The subject of this thesis is "UI・Zensen Doumei" (The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions), which has succeeded in expanding the organization of labor unions. It analyzed the realities of and factors in the expansion of labor unions.The study clarified that firms are planning to implement a strategy for the expansion of labor unions in association with UI・Zensen Doumei; the union headquarters will play a central role in this expansion. Moreover, the study confirmed that a cooperative relationship has been established between the headquarters, branches, and individual firms. In addition, the people who formed the union were included in the investigation, and the possibility of union formation and role of industrial unionism were analyzed. The profit and cost of union formation were examined, and a strategy that reduced the cost of union formation and one that expanded the profit after union formation were identified. The former strategy entails supplying the know−how of union formation, and the latter involves providing support for labor−management negotiation and serving the union members. Industrial unionism might have a more important role to play when the cost of forming enterprise− based unions increases, and the profits of unions are made vague.


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組織化と労働条件決定における産業別労働組合の役割(1) https://t.co/jfHehJOcQo

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