平尾 智隆 井川 静恵 梅崎 修 松繁 寿和

今和泉 隆行 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.13, pp.143-156, 2016-03

This paper introduces our workshop on fieldwork using maps and conducts discussions regarding this in the university. In fact, using maps for fieldworkis not a new attempt. However, some problems exist in using maps that students have not sufficiently investigated as they are only interested in participant observation and interview methods. Briefly, students would gointo the field without much preparation, making it difficult for them to understand the essence of fieldwork. Therefore, we designed the workshop for building a strong "geographical imagination" and examined its effect.
梅崎 修 八幡 成美 下村 英雄 田澤 実
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.7, pp.123-134, 2010-02

This thesis explores the relation between the lives of high-school students and their course consideration by conducting the "high-school students' questionnaire survey." In particular, we comprehensively surveyed the social networks of high-school students. Our subsequent analysis clarified the following three points: (1) Social networks of high-school students comprise their schoolmates and peers; these networks are characterized by fewer interpersonal relationships, as compared to those of adults. However, there are large individual variations in these networks. (2) High-school students are content with their interpersonal relationships among the group that they belong to; thus, interpersonal relationships with individuals outside their group are rare. (3) Our statistical analysis assumes that "the high-school students' course consideration" is an explained variable. Therefore, we verify that the quality of a social network has greater influential power on course consideration than its extent. Thus, it can be interpreted that the improvement in course consideration arising from an interaction with a "different person" is greater than that arising from an interaction with a "similar person."
今和泉 隆行 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.14, pp.201-226, 2017-03

This paper introduces our second workshop on fieldwork using maps and conducts discussions regarding this in the university after first workshop introduced by Imaizumi & Umezaki(2016). In fact, using maps forfieldwork is not a new attempt. However, some problems exist in using maps that students have not sufficiently investigated as they are only interested in participant observation and interview methods. Briefly, students would go into the field without much preparation, making it difficult for them to understand the essence of fieldwork. Therefore, we designed the workshop for building a strong "geographical imagination" and examined its effect.
今和泉 隆行 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.15, pp.279-296, 2018-03

This paper introduces our third workshop on fieldwork using maps and conducts discussions regarding this in the university after first workshop introduced by Imaizumi & Umezaki(2016,2017). In fact, using maps for fieldwork is not a new attempt. However, some problems exist in using maps that students have not sufficiently investigated as they are only interested in participant observation and interview methods. Briefly, students would go into the field without much preparation, making it difficult for them to understand the essence of fieldwork. Therefore, we designed the workshop for building a strong “geographical imagination” and examined its effect.
今和泉 隆行 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.16, pp.59-81, 2019-03

This paper introduces our fourth workshop on fieldwork, following three workshops conducted by Imaizumi & Umezaki (2016, 2017, and 2018). This workshop focuses on the usage of cartography and photography; in fact, using maps and photographs for fieldwork is not a new approach. However, the use of maps or photographs that students have not investigated sufficiently is problematic as they are only interested in participant observation and interview methods. In brief, students enter the field without having done much preparation, thus making it difficult for them to understand the essence of fieldwork. Therefore, we designed a workshop using landscape photographs in order to build a strong “geographical imagination” and examined the resulting effects.
田中 瑞季 梅崎 修
地域イノベーション (ISSN:18833934)
no.5, pp.9-20, 2012

本稿では、地域におけるソーシャルキャピタルの蓄積を多様な喫茶店の役割に焦点を当てて分析した。地域における人が集まる場所を分析したソーシャルキャピタル研究はあるが、一地域のほぼ全ての場所を網羅的に分析した研究は少ない。本稿では、喫茶店という交流を生む場所を調査分析した。分析結果として明らかになったのは、以下の4 点である。(1)神楽坂における喫茶店は、常連客との一歩踏み込んだ交流を生み出し、紹介などによって人的つながりを広げていることがわかった。(2)喫茶店には、大きく分けると、喫茶サービスに特化した「喫茶店タイプ」、大規模チェーン店に多い、顧客がコーヒーを運ぶ「セルフタイプ」、喫茶以外の目的を持つ「多目的カフェ」がある。「多目的カフェ」は地元以外の観光客が多いが、「喫茶店タイプ」と「セルフタイプ」は常連客が多いことがわかった。(3)店舗タイプ別に顧客の特徴を分析し、「喫茶店タイプ」と「セルフタイプ」の違いを明らかにした。すなわち、前者は、1 人客が集まり、交流しながらソーシャルキャピタルを「構築する場」であるのに対して、後者は、知り合いがその関係を「強化する場」であると解釈できる。(4)さらに本稿では、喫茶店の座席構成を分析した。「セルフタイプ」は、総席数が多い大型店舗であり、テーブル席と個人席は多いが、カウンター席はないという特徴がある。その一方で、喫茶店タイプはカウンター席が多いという特徴を持っていることを確認した。この違いは、常連率と座席構成の相関関係を分析した結果とも整合的である。「セルフタイプ」のように総席数が多く、「喫茶店タイプ」のようにカウンター席割合が増えれば常連が増えるので、ソーシャルキャピタルが強化され、構築されるには、それに適した場が選択されていると解釈できる。This paper analyzed the accumulation of social capital in Kagurazaka by focusing on the various roles of a coffee shop. The investigation elucidated the following points: (1) At the coffee shop in Kagurazaka, after an initial introduction, regular customers exchanged words and maintained human relationships. (2) For the purpose of this study, we classified coffee shops into three types: ① "Coffee shop type" serving only tea and coffee; ② "Self-service type," as are many large-scale franchises; and ③ "Multiple-purpose cafe" that provides other services along with those provided by the coffee shop type. It was clarified that although multiple-purpose cafes are visited by many tourists, coffee shop types and self-service types tend to demonstrate customer loyalty. (3) The coffee shop type is frequented by individuals and groups, developing social capital, whereas in self-service types, the existing social capital is strengthened. (4) Further, the seating arrangement in the coffee shops was analyzed. The self-service type is generally a large-sized store that has many seats to accommodate its large customer base. Seating arrangements are segregated per requirement; there were many table–chair arrangements, individual seating, and counter seats. For instance, a coffee shop type has many counter seats. The difference in social capital among the three store types complies with the difference in the correlation between the rate of a frequenter and seat composition. Thus, this study suggests that an increase in total number of seats, similar to the self-service type, and a higher number of counter seats, such as in the coffee shop type, increases the rate of regular customers.
梅崎 修
デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 (ISSN:24329762)
vol.5, no.4, pp.232-235, 2021-10-01 (Released:2021-11-15)

田澤 実 梅崎 修
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.17, pp.65-71, 2011-12-01

Effects of freshmen's motivation and achievement in campus life on their self-esteem were investigated, and results were discussed from the perspective of their career education. Questionnaires were distributed among freshmen (n = 259) on three occasions: at the beginning of the first semester (April), at the beginning of the second semester (September), and at the end of the second semester (January). Results indicated the following. (1) Attributes such as the process of entering the university and whether the university was the first preference affected self-esteem even in January. (2) Making many friends and developing deep relationships with them in the first semester positively affected self-esteem in January, whereas achieving the same in the second semester did not affect self-esteem.
梅崎 修 武石 恵美子 林 絵美子
イノベーション・マネジメント (ISSN:13492233)
vol.20, pp.1-20, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-03-31)

本稿の目的は、自律的なキャリア意識が主観的および客観的なキャリア・サクセスに与える影響を分析することである。本稿では、日本企業1社を対象として企業内マイクロ・データと質問紙調査を結合したデータセットを使い、自律的なキャリア意識としては、Briscoe et al.(2006)が開発したプロティアン・キャリアとバウンダリーレス・キャリアを利用した。分析の結果、まず、同じ自律的キャリア意識であってもプロティアン・キャリアの下位尺度である「自己指向」は、客観的、主観的キャリア・サクセスの両方に対して正の効果、「価値優先」は客観的キャリア・サクセスに対して負の効果であった。加えて、バウンダリーレス・キャリアの「移動への選好」が主観的キャリア・サクセスに対して正の効果が確認された。「移動への選好」が客観的キャリア・サクセスに対して正の効果を持たないのに、主観的キャリア・サクセスの正の効果がある理由を議論した。移動できるという選択肢を心理的な負担を感じないで選択できるのだ、という意識が、キャリア満足度を高めている可能性が考えられる。以上の分析結果は、先行するドイツ企業の分析や日本の全国調査の分析結果とも異なる。本稿では、分析結果を比較し、結果が異なる理由を検討した。
藤澤 広美 廣川 佳子 梅崎 修
日本労務学会誌 (ISSN:18813828)
vol.23, no.1, pp.76-93, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-08-20)

In this paper, an exploratory analysis of employees in an information technology company( Cybozu Inc.) is conducted by examining team communication skills and team characteristics that engender collective creativity, which is a factor in corporate competitiveness. First, group interviews of 8 employees were conducted to understand team communication skills and team characteristics by using categorical analysis. A questionnaire survey was then developed based on the keywords extracted from the interviews. Through quantitative analysis, which was conducted among 597 employees, with 186 respondents and a valid response rate of 31.2%, six concepts related to team communication skills and two related to team characteristics were identified. Existing creativity scales were then employed to determine the positive effects of the identified factors on collective creativity. The results of this analysis revealed an aspect of the group emergence mechanism that had not previously been examined.
平尾 智隆 梅崎 修 松繁 寿和
社会政策 (ISSN:18831850)
vol.3, no.2, pp.99-109, 2011-10-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

梅崎 修
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.71-90, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

林 絵美子 梅崎 修 田澤 実 下村 英雄 八幡 成美
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン : 法政大学キャリアデザイン学会紀要 = Lifelong learning and career studies (ISSN:13493051)
vol.7, pp.111-121, 2010-02

This paper conducted a comparative analysis of male and female college freshmen with regard to the type of business they hope to work in and their aspirations for the future. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted on three occasions. The analysis results showed the following: (1) There is a difference in the career preferred by male and female students. Male students tended to choose the post of a civil servant/ public servant/ government worker, while female students wished to be employed in the private sector. (2) Male students hoped to work in the secondary and tertiary sectors, while female students hoped to work only in the tertiary sector. The difference with regard to “Hope type of business” among males is large compared with females. (3) There was a significant difference among male and female students with regard to the relation between the type of business they hoped to work in and their aspirations for the future. Further, it can be said that there was a difference in the distribution of the type of business that male and female students hoped to work in, because the reasons for aspiring to work in the particular business varied between both sexes. (4) The tendency was observed that the span of “Hope type of business” spread over time after entry to college.
梅崎 修 田口 和雄
日本労務学会誌 (ISSN:18813828)
vol.21, no.1, pp.5-20, 2020-10-01 (Released:2021-01-05)

This study compared the functions of labor unions between a sample of contract workers and full-time salaried workers, based on survey questionnaires. First, it examined the manner in which full-time salaried workers and contract workers were engaged with labor unions. According to the study's findings, labor union membership rate of contract workers was lower than that of full-time salaried workers. In addition, although the full-time salaried workers and contract workers equally voiced their opinions and made requests to their superiors, when the contract workers joined labor unions, they communicated through their union representatives. Second, the effects of labor unions on full-time salaried workers and contract workers were analyzed. Among the full-time salaried workers, the effects of both labor unions and union members on employment security were statistically positive, whereas other effects were statistically non-significant. Meanwhile, the effects of other systems on wages, jobs, and human relations in companies without labor unions were also positive. Third, among the contract workers, the effects of union members on employment security were statistically positive, whereas the effects of labor unions on wages and jobs were statistically positive. In sum, the effects of labor unions on contract workers were greater than those on full-time salaried workers. Despite this finding, there are two possible reasons for the limited number of contract workers to join labor unions. The first reason is that contract workers have a greater incentive to leave a company compared to their full-time salaried counterparts; the second reason is that contract workers are used to consulting their superiors, instead of union representatives.
梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.9, pp.523-549, 2012-03

This paper is an oral history of Mr. Yoritomo, who works in the front lines of a club which provides male companions for women, and is a dynamic entrepreneur now. The advantage of this oral history is that an internal person, in general, speaks about a host’s unexplored work. He describes the difficulty in communication and the skills which solve this difficulty through the experience of host business in this oral history. His career talk will be useful to the hearing investigators, the students who decide for their career and the workers in service trade.
島西 智輝 梅崎 修 南雲 智映
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.55, no.3, pp.3-27, 2020 (Released:2022-12-30)

This study analyzes the growth of the largest industrial union in Japan, Zensen Domei(ZENSEN), from the postwar economic recovery era to Japan’s period of high economic growth, by using historical documents and union leaders’ oral histories. Although the number of employees in the textile industry shrank during the period of high economic growth, ZENSEN’s number of members clearly increased. This can be attributed to the collective organization of small and medium enterprise workers and workers in the downstream industry such as distribution. Three factors contributed to ZENSEN’s successful organization of workers. First, the organizational system was improved and centralized leadership was strengthened. Second, ZENSEN created an organizer department at its headquarters to centralize organizing activities. Third, a human resource development plan, an evaluation, and selection system were introduced to develop the organizers. In addition, ZENSEN used “enforcement and penalties” and “selective incentives” to maintain its expanded organization. In other words, ZENSEN severely penalized large company unions that dropped out of the united struggle and demonstrated the benefits of industrial policy, internationalization, information sharing, and human exchange to their company unions. As a result, in spite of the increase in the number of SME unions, large unions remained within ZENSEN. Although limited to the case of ZENSEN, currently known as UA ZENSEN, the findings confirm that industrial unions can mitigate the difficulty of union organization and weak labor-management bargaining power in small and medium enterprises.
南雲 智映 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
no.7, pp.329-359, 2010-03

The subject of this thesis is "UI・Zensen Doumei" (The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions), which has succeeded in expanding the organization of labor unions. It analyzed the realities of and factors in the expansion of labor unions.The study clarified that firms are planning to implement a strategy for the expansion of labor unions in association with UI・Zensen Doumei; the union headquarters will play a central role in this expansion. Moreover, the study confirmed that a cooperative relationship has been established between the headquarters, branches, and individual firms. In addition, the people who formed the union were included in the investigation, and the possibility of union formation and role of industrial unionism were analyzed. The profit and cost of union formation were examined, and a strategy that reduced the cost of union formation and one that expanded the profit after union formation were identified. The former strategy entails supplying the know−how of union formation, and the latter involves providing support for labor−management negotiation and serving the union members. Industrial unionism might have a more important role to play when the cost of forming enterprise− based unions increases, and the profits of unions are made vague.