加藤 千枝 堀田 香織
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部
vol.61, no.1, pp.107-119, 2012

In this research, the author monitored the content of Internet postings by students at two public junior high schools, and exchanged information regarding the content of the postings with their teachers on a regular basis. This paper is a report on the practice of monitoring whereby the content obtained from this information exchange was used by teachers for student understanding and student guidance.Specifically, the paper introduces two students as case studies and presents the case outlines, monitoring process, case intervention, and condition of the students after intervention.The research indicates four important points for monitoring using Internet postings by junior high school students. The first point is that in implementing monitoring, the teacher must not only know the content of the student's Internet postings, but also have an understanding of the student's family environment and relationships with friends in order to provide guidance. The second point is the need for a supporter who assists the teacher. The supporter is the party who provides the teacher with Internet information that is useful for student guidance and student understanding. After concluding an agreement with the school regarding the handling of personal information, it is essential that the supporter exchanges information with the teacher on a regular basis to carefully examine the information and to maintain good relations with the teacher. Third, from the viewpoint of the psychological development of junior high school girls, the study notes how their Prof(profile site) and exchanges on SNS game sites meet their needs for seeking friendship and conformity, and promote the formation of chum groups. Finally, the study emphasizes that an "attitude of understanding" among adults regarding the Internet behavior of adolescent girls is important for providing guidance.


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