大熊 一正 恐神 正博 篭谷 隆弘 Osogami Masahiro 篭谷 隆弘 Kagoya Takahiro 四折 直紀 Shiori Naoki 杉原 一臣 Sugihara Kazutomi 山西 輝也 Yamanishi Teruya
福井工業大学研究紀要 Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology (ISSN:18844456)
no.42, pp.610-619, 2012

We composed teaching material for education about information and communication technology using micro-robot which is the smallest soccer robot in the RoboCup soccer international competition. The feature of this material is that control programing for the micro-robot is clarified using Scrath which is produed by MIT Media Lab. However, since micro-robot is currently controlled by program in C++ language, we made translator system from Scratch code to C++ code using PHP language. In this paper, we report the reason why we come to think clarification of our teaching material is important and how to realize such clarification.


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"we made translator system from Scratch code to C++ code using PHP language" …! / “CiNii 論文 -  マイクロロボット制御アルゴリズムの見える化に…” http://t.co/SZP2Rgiw
"we made translator system from Scratch code to C++ code using PHP language" マイクロロボット制御アルゴリズムの見える化に向けて -組込みシステムの教材として- http://t.co/viGP8b8r

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