莊 聲
東方学報 = Journal of Oriental studies (ISSN:03042448)
vol.88, pp.320-294, 2013-12

Beginning from the Nurhaci era of Aisin Gurun 金國, Manchu people frequently used their own language to tell stories from the Chinese classics. In doing so they used several unique methods to narrate these Chinese tales, among which were included popular novels in the vernacular. Their priority was to make these stories easy to understand, not necessarily to produce strict translations. By the Hongtaiji era of Taizong 太宗, we can detect that the Manchus had acquired a considerable knowledge of Chinese military classics. However texts such as the Liutao 六韜 and Sanlue 三略 were read not out of military necessity, but for the purpose of general edification. The Manchus had also by this time also become very familiar with historical works such as the Tong jian 通鑒 and the Confucian classics (namely Sishu 四書), and the flourishing practice of reading such Chinese books ended up having a great influence on both politics and military practice. However the Manchus did not merely tell stories drawn from Chinese culture. For example among Han Chinese, when welcoming the new year, what most represented the new year was the Nian hua 年畫(a small poster or banner on which is painted various symbols of prosperity and good luck). Using the Di Jian Tu Shuo 帝鑒圖說 as reference book, and employing Han Chinese artisans, the Manchus made their own Nian hua. Furthermore when compiling the Tai zu Shi lu 太祖實錄圖(an illustrated record of the reign of emperor Taizu), Han Chinese artists were also much employed.


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