徳永 哲
日本赤十字九州国際看護大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing (ISSN:21868042)
no.12, pp.13-31, 2013

19世紀中頃のロンドンには大飢饉を逃れたアイルランド人をはじめ各地域からの移住者がテムズ川河口付近や南側の地域に住み着いた。汚物と悪臭に満ちたその一帯には疫病が蔓延していた。貧しい病人を救済するべくカトリックやプロテスタントの修道女が奉仕活動を始めた。また救貧院や総合病院が拡充され、医学校の開設が相次いだ。ナイチンゲールはこうした社会の変化に心を動かされ、看護に関心を抱くが、1852年まで両親の反対によって外出の自由が奪われ、看護への道が閉ざされてしまった。しかし、8年に及ぶ自室にこもって自学したことは公衆衛生学や薬学などから宗教哲学や近代思想などに及んだ。特に、チャドウィックの「瘴気説」は彼女に大きな影響を与え、スクタリの陸軍病院の衛生改善や国内の近代的病棟の設計に優れた実績を残す基となった。それは、また、ナイチンゲール自身の熱いキリスト教信仰と深く結びつけられ、彼女の看護論の中に根強く生き続けた。そして、このことは看護師に必須の「仕事における三重の関心」(1893年)として集約され、病院での看護の優越性と医療の核となって働く看護師の重要性を主張するに至った。 In the middle of the 19th century, immigrants who escaped from the Great Famine came over from Ireland and other regions into London. They came to live around the southern bank of the Thames River, where they formed a huge Irish town, The river flew through an area brimmed over with excreta and stench and caused different epidemics. Poverty and lack of sanitation became the most important matter in London and demanded an immediate solution. The New Poor Law was established by Chadwick in 1834. Both Catholic and Protestant nursing sisters did the relief work around the area in order to save the sick poor. General hospitals enlarged their wards ad established one medical school after another. Nightingale was not allowed to leave her house and could not follow her call to become a nurse for eight years, during this time the situation of medical care and public health in London were rapidly transformed. However, the eight –year's collecting information and thinking in her house gave her a lot of knowledge about nursing, sanitation, and religion. She read information about reformation of public health and learned Chadwick's Miasmatic theory and medical statistician Farr's zymotic diseases theory. When she went to the Crimean War as a matron, both Miasmatic theory and zymotic disease theory led her to the reformation of sanitation in the hospital as Scutari where she worked. Nightingale is considered a scientist because she mastered medical statistics and was well informed on medicine and sanitation. On the other hand it should not be forgotten that she was a Christian. Her guiding principle was to practice nursing following the teachings of Jesus Christ. There is a contradiction between science and Christianity. Nightingale had the contradiction in her mind. It was this contradiction in her mind that was useful to establish modern nursing because nurses must be concerned with the humanity scope of patients. They have to support recovery from illness and give patients the power to live independently. Nightingale said on one of her essays, "A nurse must have an three-fold interest in her work: an intellectual interest in the case, a hearty interest in the patient, a technical interest in the patient's care and cure."


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CiNii 論文 - F.ナイチンゲールの近代看護の確立 : 科学とキリスト教信仰という内在的矛盾を抱えて https://t.co/tRh6m16RaT #CiNii
CiNii 論文 -  F.ナイチンゲールの近代看護の確立 : 科学とキリスト教信仰という内在的矛盾を抱えて http://t.co/JXzSNs3GVG

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