鈴木 茂忠 宮尾 嶽雄 西沢 寿晃 高田 靖司
信州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:05830621)
vol.16, no.1, pp.p43-52, 1979-07

The distribution of the Japanese mountain mole, Euroscaptor mizura is limited on the main land in Japan. However, the closely related species to the E. mizura distributes on the south-west part in China and its vicinity. Therefore, the Japanese mountain mole distributes as a spotted pattern. E. mizura should be the oldest form of the Talpinae on the main land in Japan. Since specimen of E. mizura collected is quite few, the distribution is remained uncertain. About 10 specimens of E. mizura have been obtained from various mountainous zones in Nagano District, i. e. , the Hida Mountains, the Mikuni Mountains, the Akaishi Mountains, the Yatsugatake Mountain Mass and the Chikuma Mountain Region. But there is no any record of collection in the Kiso Mountains at all. The authors could fortunately obtained a dead female specimen on the peak of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake. It is suggested that E. mizura may be able to live in the Kiso Mountains. Measurement of the specimen obtained was done on some morphological features. The results were as follows.From the previous record, it may be said that the Japanese mountain mole distributes on forest and grassland in alpine and subalpine zones in Nagano District. On the other hand, as the collection record has been found in Yamanashi, Aomori, and Hiroshima Districts, E. mizura may be described, in the future, on the low land zone in Nagano District.


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