宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.121-175, 0000

This paper is the first part of the study in two parts on the regeneration ritual of the Kingdom of Rwanda performed once in four generations by a cattle king. In the introduction, I have discussed the structure of the ritual, its framework in time and space, and the process of editing its text. Then from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru), I have translated and annotated the "Way of the Lese Majesty (Inzira y 'ikirogoto)" lines 181–199, in which the burial ritual of the cattle kings is summarized, and the "Way of the Watering (Inzira y 'ishoora)" lines 1–686, in which the renewal of the regalia is prescribed.Seen diachronically, the "Way of the Watering" ritual was part of the process uniting the funeral rite, which closed the older cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara, for example) by burying the smoke-dried corpse of the former cattle king (Cyirima) who had guarded the cattle of the kingdom for the past four generations, with the enthronement rites, which inaugurated, on the one hand, the king Kigeri who opened the new cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara) and, on the other, the smoke-dried corpse of the newly deceased cattle king (Mutara) who was to protect the cattle of Rwanda for the next four generations.This process analyzed spatially reveals a ritual geography of the realm as follows: East: West:: North: South:: Past: Present:: Ancestors: Living:: Sacred: Profane.本稿はルワンダ王国において四世代に一度行われる王権の再生儀礼の研究の前半である。序論では、この儀礼の構成、時間的・空間的枠組み、およびテキストの編集過程を論じた。次に、王朝秘典ubwiruの「不敬の道(Inzira y 'ikirogoto)」181–199行の牛王の埋葬法の部分と「水飼いの道」1–686行のレガリアの更新の部分に訳と注を付けた。通時的にとらえると、水飼い儀礼は、一つの周期(例えばKigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Mutara)を後見してきた先代の牛王Cyirimaのミイラを埋葬して古い周期を終わらせる葬送儀礼と、次の周期(Kigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Cyirima)を後見する新しい牛王Mutaraのミイラを作り、その周期の先頭にKigeri王を据える即位儀礼とを組み合わせるプロセスの一環としてとらえることができる。このプロセスを空間的にとらえると、ルワンダ王国には、東 : 西 :: 北 : 南 :: 過去 : 現在 :: 死者 : 生者 :: 聖 : 俗という象徴論が存在したことが明らかになる。


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こんな論文どうですか? ルワンダの王権再生儀礼(1):王権太鼓の更新(宇野 公一郎(1950-)),2014 https://t.co/3OI4xidodn

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