宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.61, no.2, pp.95-138, 0000

In this article I have translated and annotated "The Way to Decorate the Drum with the Trophy of War (Inzira yo kwambik ingoma)," a section of the esoteric royal ritual Code, the Ubwiru, of Rwanda. In addition, I have compared the customs of nearby kingdoms of the Great Lakes Region of Africa focusing on the royal drums and mutilation of the bodies of the dead. From this comparison I have discussed that although mutilation of the bodies of dead enemy and placing fetishes on royal drums are found in the different parts of the region, the systematization of the rituals to decorate the royal drum by hanging the enemy king's testicles was found only in Rwanda. Furthermore, I have outlined the history of Rwanda's expeditions to expand the territory and surveyed especially on abahinza (the native chiefs). From this I conclude that "The Way to Decorate the Drum with the Trophy of War" strongly reflects the increase of the military expeditions of the Kigeri IV Rwabugiri in the latter half of the 19th century, especially the Rwandanization of the abahinza's territory in the western and northern regions of the kingdom.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典ubwiruの1つ「太鼓に戦利品を飾る道」に訳・注をつけた。そしてそれを補うために、まず、王権太鼓と死体毀損に注目しながら大湖地方の諸王国の習俗を比較した。その結果、敵の死体の毀損、王権太鼓への呪物の添付といった個々の要素は大湖地方のあちこちに見られるが、敵王の睾丸で飾りを作って王権太鼓に吊す儀式を制度化した国はルワンダ以外にはなかったことが明らかになった。さらに、ルワンダの対外拡張戦争を概観したうえでヒンザ(土着首長)について考察した。その結果、「太鼓に戦利品を飾る道」は19世紀後半のKigeri IV Rwabugiriの軍事行動の増加、とりわけ西部や北部のヒンザの領域のルワンダ化を色濃く反映していると結論した。
宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.63, no.2, pp.87-139, 0000

In this article I have translated and annotated the "Way of Enthronement (Inzira Y'Uubwimika)" from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru) of Rwanda. Once enthroned, the Rwandan king was no longer a human being. This transformation was accomplished through two ritual processes. In the first process a prince became a king by receiving the regalia, taking oaths, and obtaining the public approval. In the second process the new king acquired the supreme power through his participation in the rituals to regenerate the kingdom. Throughout the "Way of Enthronement" was emphasized the military power of the new king to gain triumphs over the enemy kingdoms. This reflected the fact that Rwanda was incessantly at war during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. It was also mainly from the military concerns that the interregnum was made shortest.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典ubwieuから「即位の道」(Inzira Y'Uubwimika)に訳・注をつけた。ルワンダでは王は人間ではなく、即位式が人間を王に変えた。即位式は二つの儀礼過程から成る。一つは、先王からのレガリアの引継、宣誓、公衆への顔見せと承認によって一人の王子が王になる過程である。もう一つは、王国を甦らせる諸儀礼の主役を演じることを通じて新王が至高性を獲得していく過程である。「即位の道」で、終始一貫して強調されるのは王の軍事機能、敵国に勝つ能力である。これは18–19世紀のルワンダが恒常的な臨戦態勢をとっていたことと符合する。空位期を「乗り越えるべき難局」と見なし、手早く新王を即位させてしまうのも、軍事的配慮が大きく作用していたと思われる。この軍事の卓越にルワンダの即位式の一つの大きな特徴を見ることができるだろう。
宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.121-175, 0000

This paper is the first part of the study in two parts on the regeneration ritual of the Kingdom of Rwanda performed once in four generations by a cattle king. In the introduction, I have discussed the structure of the ritual, its framework in time and space, and the process of editing its text. Then from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru), I have translated and annotated the "Way of the Lese Majesty (Inzira y 'ikirogoto)" lines 181–199, in which the burial ritual of the cattle kings is summarized, and the "Way of the Watering (Inzira y 'ishoora)" lines 1–686, in which the renewal of the regalia is prescribed.Seen diachronically, the "Way of the Watering" ritual was part of the process uniting the funeral rite, which closed the older cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara, for example) by burying the smoke-dried corpse of the former cattle king (Cyirima) who had guarded the cattle of the kingdom for the past four generations, with the enthronement rites, which inaugurated, on the one hand, the king Kigeri who opened the new cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara) and, on the other, the smoke-dried corpse of the newly deceased cattle king (Mutara) who was to protect the cattle of Rwanda for the next four generations.This process analyzed spatially reveals a ritual geography of the realm as follows: East: West:: North: South:: Past: Present:: Ancestors: Living:: Sacred: Profane.本稿はルワンダ王国において四世代に一度行われる王権の再生儀礼の研究の前半である。序論では、この儀礼の構成、時間的・空間的枠組み、およびテキストの編集過程を論じた。次に、王朝秘典ubwiruの「不敬の道(Inzira y 'ikirogoto)」181–199行の牛王の埋葬法の部分と「水飼いの道」1–686行のレガリアの更新の部分に訳と注を付けた。通時的にとらえると、水飼い儀礼は、一つの周期(例えばKigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Mutara)を後見してきた先代の牛王Cyirimaのミイラを埋葬して古い周期を終わらせる葬送儀礼と、次の周期(Kigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Cyirima)を後見する新しい牛王Mutaraのミイラを作り、その周期の先頭にKigeri王を据える即位儀礼とを組み合わせるプロセスの一環としてとらえることができる。このプロセスを空間的にとらえると、ルワンダ王国には、東 : 西 :: 北 : 南 :: 過去 : 現在 :: 死者 : 生者 :: 聖 : 俗という象徴論が存在したことが明らかになる。