石田 尚子
vol.17, pp.1-9, 2014

The purpose of this study is to show the way we appreciate fictional works by modifying Paskow's\" Realist Theory". Paskow presents Realist Theory to solve " the paradox of fiction", which puts a\question why we have emotional responses to fictional objects. In Realist Theory, our consciousness is\separated in two parts. By consciousness 1, we truly believe in fictional beings, and by consciousness\2, we deny the existence of such objects. Paskow says that this is why we have emotional responses to\fictional objects without confusing reality and fiction.\But there are two problems. First, we can't identify fictional beings in Paskow's view. Second, it is\not clear why the consciousness 2 can emerge.\Paskow's theory may be modified from the view of our psychic functions. I argue that what Paskow\calls "consciousness 1" is the mental functions to appreciate fictional works, and "consciousness 2" is\metacognitive regulation. We believe in fictional beings when we are engaged in appreciating fictional\works, but metacognitive regulation denies that belief. This is why we have emotional responses to\fictional beings without confusing reality and fiction.


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●石田尚子「フィクション鑑賞における意識の問題」『人間文化創成科学論叢』17、2014年。https://t.co/JvRCoVWwHd ●同前『フィクションの鑑賞行為における認知の問題』博士論文、お茶の水女子大学、2017年3月23日。https://t.co/5PSKK0xn6P

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