宇野 和
vol.20, pp.29-37, 2018-03-31

This paper analyzes the suffix "mi" connected with nouns often used on Twitter, by comparing the difference between "kodomomi," "kodomopposa," and "kodomorashisa."Results reveal the unique function of "atarashii mikei" that is not observed in other formats. Moreover, it presents the following two points.First, using "atarashii mikei," a long noun phrase can be taken as its word base.Second, using "atarashii mikei," connections can be found and impressions described despite a weak relationship between the word base and object.
バラニャク平田 ズザンナ
no.21, pp.231-240, 2019-03-31

The Takarazuka Revue is a popular Japanese theatrical company consisting solely of female performers. Since its establishment in 1914 Takarazuka has often been considered as part of shōjo culture but was its representation the same throughout its history? This paper examines how Takarazuka's representation has evolved after the staging of The Rose of Versailles in 1974 and attempts to localize its position in contemporary Japanese pop-culture. First, by reviewing Takarazuka's position as part of pre-war shōjo culture and through content analysis of The Rose of Versailles, I evaluate the effect the play's staging has had on the Revue. Then, by conducting a discourse analysis of Takarazuka's representation as seen in anime, manga, and variety TV programs, I localize Takarazuka within Japanese pop-culture and discuss the transition process of its representation. The paper distinguishes three primary themes surrounding Takarazuka's post-Rose of Versailles representation in the media: Takarazuka as a setting for girls' comics, Takarazuka as a parody, and Takarazuka's zealous fans. The results of the analysis show, although Takarazuka is still strongly associated with shōjo culture, it has since surpassed the genre and can be seen to have spread to other pop-culture genres such as fan culture and Japanese idol culture.
石田 尚子
vol.17, pp.1-9, 2014

The purpose of this study is to show the way we appreciate fictional works by modifying Paskow's\" Realist Theory". Paskow presents Realist Theory to solve " the paradox of fiction", which puts a\question why we have emotional responses to fictional objects. In Realist Theory, our consciousness is\separated in two parts. By consciousness 1, we truly believe in fictional beings, and by consciousness\2, we deny the existence of such objects. Paskow says that this is why we have emotional responses to\fictional objects without confusing reality and fiction.\But there are two problems. First, we can't identify fictional beings in Paskow's view. Second, it is\not clear why the consciousness 2 can emerge.\Paskow's theory may be modified from the view of our psychic functions. I argue that what Paskow\calls "consciousness 1" is the mental functions to appreciate fictional works, and "consciousness 2" is\metacognitive regulation. We believe in fictional beings when we are engaged in appreciating fictional\works, but metacognitive regulation denies that belief. This is why we have emotional responses to\fictional beings without confusing reality and fiction.
吉澤 京助
vol.18, pp.175-182, 2015

The purpose of this paper is to show how the term "Gender Identity Disorder (GID)" has functioned\in Japan since the term spreading to common. Until around the year 2000, when GID has come to be\generally recognized in Japan, transgender were often confused with homosexual. It is the achievement\of the term GID that separating transgender from homosexual with spreading the term gender identity\and sexual orientation. Distinction of these concepts is especially important for transgenders, because\they enable transgender to explain their specific difficulties.\On the other hand, the term GID is causing the following problems. First, the term had been divided\transgenders into two groups: people who are diagnosed with GID and otherwise. Since GID is Medical\disease, the diagnosis by a physician is regarded more important than claim of " patient". Second, in\order to clarify the difference between "fake GID" and "genuine GID", Some people detach GID from\fluidity of gender identity or talk about GID as "correct human" in heteronormativity.\Above two problems are strategies for transgender, placed in the periphery in heteronormative\society, to live better. However, it is necessary to care about non-typical transgender (e.g., gender\queer) who are made further invisible.
山口 紀子
no.21, pp.115-124, 2019-03-31

The Kyrgyz Republic is regarded as "the Isolated Learning Japanese Circumstance" since it has few chance of human and economic interaction with Japan. In that situation, it is challenging to get the pragmatic opportunities to study or work using Japanese for most of Japanese learners. Also, it seems difficult to continue to learn and hesitate from having education of Japanese language in Kyrgyz. This survey investigated motives for learning Japanese and elements affected to sustainable motivation of life-long learners. The results of factor analysis suggested that (a) they have five types of motives for learning such as 〈desires for living in abroad〉〈interests in Japanese language and culture〉〈self-esteem and selfimprovement 〉〈development personal relationship and challenges to new domain〉and〈hobby and entertainment〉, (b) the lack of pragmatic opportunities and difficulties to study the language may affect to motivation low. On the other hand, the results of covariance structure analysis shows that (c) not only pragmatic motives such as〈desires for life abroad〉 but also non-pragmatic motives such as 〈development personal relationship and challenges to new domain〉affects to sustainable motivation high. It suggests how teachers can support learners' sustainable motivation in" Isolated Circumstances".
橋本 嘉代
人間文化創成科学論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.13, pp.339-347, 2010

From the 1950s to the 1980s, only a few articles about married women's paid work were featured in Japanese women's magazines. After the 1990s, however, these articles began appearing these magazines as a major topic. This study analyzed the tripolarization in definition of labor drawn from women's magazines at the end of the 1990s. The first type of magazines targeted married women whose household incomes were low, and thus, looking for part-time jobs to improve their household economic situation. The second type of magazines targeted full-time housewives, whose household incomes were high and who drew their success as instructors of their specialized hobbies. The third type of magazines targeted career women engaged in full-time jobs earning high incomes. It is difficult to obtain full-time job for married women having small children, but part-time jobs are frequently bored and lowly paid. Women's magazines published during this period focused on various role models that women were able to aspire to and model themselves after.
小川 真理子
人間文化創成科学論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.11, pp.499-508, 2008

2009.7.21修正版(著者による誤記修正。修正個所:P501 下から5行目 (誤)個人が特定され【た】いように (正)個人が特定され【な】いように)
後藤 典子
人間文化創成科学論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.13, pp.69-77, 2010

由于历史原因,沦陷期的南京国民政府所举办的一系列经济文化政策与中日合作公司的研究并没有彻底研究。"中华电影股份有限公司(1939年创立)"与"中华电影联合股份有限公司(1943年创立)"是在沦陷期的上海创立的所谓"国策电影公司"。它们接受汪精卫国民政府的指导, 从事中国的中南部地区的电影制造、发行和上映的业务。本文将从以下三方面加以论述:(1)当时的社会情况;(2)电影产业政策;(3)文化政策(包括华北和上海的电影检查制度)。