早田 和弥
札幌学院大学総合研究所紀要 = Proceedings of the Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University (ISSN:21884897)
vol.2, pp.31-40, 2015-03

統計的手法に拠り,標記短歌の音韻解析を行った結果を示す.解析対象は,本邦初の歌集である万葉集所収短歌(全4183首),並びに古今和歌集から始まり新続古今和歌集で完結した二十一代勅撰和歌集所収の短歌(全33692首)であり,延べ37875首に及ぶ.本研究の主たる目的は,先に提示された俳句に対する解析結果との比較を通して,短歌に固有な音韻規則の有無を明らかにすることにある.大規模統計解析に拠り,俳句と共通の音韻規則が短歌に対しても確認された.即ち,短歌一首を構成する任意の句尾間に於いて,同音回避現象が起こっていることが証明された.一方,句頭部の母音間では俳句とは異なる結果が得られた.俳句に於いては,句尾の場合とは対照的に,句頭音間には有意な連関は見出され無かったが,短歌に対しては句頭音の間にも同音回避が認められた.本解析結果は,俳諧の連歌に於ける禁制の一つである去り嫌い或いは嫌物,更には伝統的フランス詩法に於ける不調和音回避の法則を髣髴させる.Phonological patterns of tankas in Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves (composed of 4183 poems)as well as in Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry to New More Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry (composed of 33692 poems) are analyzed statistically, where the sum of the poems amounts to 37875. The main purpose of this study is,in comparison with previous results on haikus, to explore the possibility of a phonological rule inherent in tankas. Indeed,a large-scale statistical analysis has demonstrated the rule in common with that of haikus. Namely,it has been verified that the phenomenon of avoided rhyming occurs between feet of any lines. For the initial vowels on lines,however,one has obtained the results different from those of haikus. Although for haikus there was no significant correlation among vowels on the beginnings of lines,for tankas the avoidance of the identical sounds has been seen even there as well. The present results might remind readers of sarikirai or kiraimono,both of which were imposed as a forbidden rule in rengas, as well as of the avoidance law of inharmonic sounds in the context of the traditional French poetry.言語学Linguistic


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早田 和弥 短歌音韻則の実証的研究 : 万葉集から新続古今集迄の37875首を対象とした解析 https://t.co/BKQtHdAcdP
早田 和弥 -  短歌音韻則の実証的研究 : 万葉集から新続古今集迄の37875首を対象とした解析 http://t.co/BKQtHdAcdP #CiNii

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