ベルテッリ ジュリオ アントニオ
Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies, Kansai University
pp.93-112, 2011-03-31

The Italo-Japanese treaty of Amity and Commerce was signedin August 1866. This treaty was signed just one year and a fewmonths before the Meiji Restoration in Japan, and right after theThird Independency War which Italy fought in order to regainVenezia and its neighboring territories. If we consider thesehistorical events, we can say that the sign of the treaty was almosta miracle.One year later, the Italian government sent a Minister (CountVittorio Sallier De La Tour) and a Consul (Mr. Cristoforo Robecchi)to Japan; their arrival offi cially started diplomatic relations betweenthe two countries.With this paper I would like to discuss the position and role ofthe fi rst Italian Minister in Japan right before the Meiji Restoration.In order to achieve this goal I will analyze some primary sources(i.e. offi cial dispatches) found in Rome, at the Historical-DiplomaticArchive of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Aff airs, and focus mainlyon the following points:1) For which reasons Italy needed a Treaty of Amity and Commercewith Japan?2) What kind of instructions did the Italian Minister in Japan obtainfrom the Italian Ministry of Foreign Aff airs?3) What kind of relations the Italian Minister had with his French counterpart Leon Roches?4) How did the Italian Minister in Japan understand the fall of theBakufu and the rise of the new Imperial Government?By answering those questions I aim to unveil some unknownaspects and underline the historical value of the Italo-Japaneserelations at the dawn of the Meiji Restoration.


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ベルテッリ ジュリオ アントニオ「明治政府の樹立と駐日イタリア公使・領事の外交活動について」(『文化交渉における画期と創造』3)曰く、慶応3年に来日した駐日イタリア公使は、フランス公使ロッシュが諸外国の外交団から孤立していると見て、慎重に外交活動を行った。 https://t.co/6lfs5HIG2b

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