許 海華
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
no.44, pp.297-318, 2011-04

While Japan at the end of the Edo period revised their national seclusion system and started to set forward with internationally opening policy,it was the training of translators to communicate at practical negotiations with foreign countries that was most urgently required. In the case of To tsuji 唐通事,Chinese translators at Nagasaki during the Edo period, some of the youths transferred themselves to be in charge of two languages,from solo translation for Chinese to translation for both Chinese and English. They later became very active in the frontlines for diplomacy,education and translation because of their English abilities during the periods from the end of the Edo to Meiji era. One of the typical examples was Ga Noriyuki. Ga Noriyuki was the person who flourished as a liege of Tokugawa Shogunate, a bureaucrat,an educator as well as a translator,who had been working as a Chinese translator at Nagasaki. It was his mastering English which brought him a great turning point for his life. This paper examines historical backgrouds and progress for Ga Noriyuki's mastering English from the view point of the alteration of To tsuji at Nagasaki during the periods from the end of the Edo to Meiji era, through full survey on articles on his carrers.


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昭和6年2月20日、鮫島武之助が死去。薩摩藩出身で、鮫島尚信の弟。許海華「長崎唐通事何礼之の英語習得」(『関西大学東西学術研究所紀要』44)などによれば、幕末期に前田正名らと共に、何礼之の私塾に入った。明治期に、第三次・第四次伊藤博文内閣の書記官長などを務めた。 https://t.co/zWHyRibxFM
大正12年3月2日、何礼之が死去。長崎の唐通詞の出身で、明治期に外務省の官僚や貴族院議員などを務めた。また、モンテスキューの『法の精神』を翻訳。許海華「長崎唐通事何礼之の英語習得」(『関西大学東西学術研究所紀要』44)が履歴を紹介。 https://t.co/7krHvAgXob

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