- 著者
井原 今朝男
- 出版者
- 国立歴史民俗博物館
- 雑誌
- 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.178, pp.305-329, 2013-03
戦国・織豊期の天皇像について、公家衆が地方に下向するものが多く、天皇は公家 社会に対する統括権を喪失し「太政官も廷臣も必要としない天皇制」になったとする 歴史像が通説になっている。本稿では、明応五年(一四九六)前関白九条政基が家礼唐橋在数を殺害した事件で、 後土御門天皇が九条家に対して勅勘の処分にした裁判事例をとりあげ検討した。その 結果、天皇は被害者の一門菅原氏に勅使を派遣して菅氏輩訴状を出させ、論人の九条 家にも勅使を派遣して准后申状を提出させて、裁判をはじめた。近臣や伝奏経験者に 勅問を発して意見具申をもとめ、二月五日に天皇自ら妻戸間に出御して、伝奏・職事 らと合議を行い、両局輩から勘文を出させて、御前沙汰と呼ぶべき裁判審議を行った。 武家に申して御沙汰するか否かについては、重科の罪ではないとして、九条尚経解官 の処分案について検討することで二月五日の御前定を終えた。この天皇裁判事件は、 天皇が官人と結ぶ官位制(国家官僚制)と、権門が家礼と結ぶ主従制(家産官僚制) という二つの官僚制のうち、どちらを優先させるか、という難問であった。摂籙家や 九条家と姻戚関係にあった三条西実隆や甘露寺親長ら近臣は、家礼在数の罪科は明瞭 であるとして、家長による家礼・臣への処罰権を軽視するものとして摂家解官の処分 案に反対した。閏二月二日の御前定で、天皇は摂家解官の処分案を撤回し、近衛家が 提案した九条家勅勘・出仕停止の処分案を「御治定」として決裁した。このように室 町戦国期の天皇は、公家身分内部の紛争や殺害事件に対して天皇の裁判権・処罰権を 行使しており、勅使の派遣や勅問によって関係者の合意形成に努力し、勅勘・出仕停 止の処分案を天皇による最終決定として判決した。その反面、武家執奏を口実にして、 天皇の意志に反した近衛家から関白職を取り上げた。室町・戦国期にも天皇が公家間 の紛争に対して裁判権を行使し、幕府を後見として利用しつつ家父長制的権力を強化 していたことをあきらかにした。The prevailing view of the historical image of the Emperor during the Sengoku/Shokuho Period says that many Imperial Court nobles left the capital and headed to the provinces, with the Emperor losing his right to unify the Imperial Court society and the "Emperor System requiring neither a Department of State nor courtiers".This paper investigates a trial case in which Emperor Gotsuchimikado censured the Kujo family in relation to the murder of a servant called Arikazu Karahashi perpetrated in 1496 by Kujo Masamoto, former Chief Adviser to the Emperor. As a result of this, a trial commenced after the Emperor dispatch an imperial messenger to the victim's family, the Sugawara clan, who were made to submit a complaint, and an imperial messenger was also dispatched to the defendant's family, the Kujo family, who were made to submit a jugou petition. The opinions of attendants and persons with experience of delivering messages to the Emperor were requested by means of imperial questions, and trial deliberations referred to as gozen sata (direct judgments) were conducted after the Emperor himself arrived at the doors to the pavilion on February 5th and summoned both parties to consult with regards to events relating to work in delivering messages to the Emperor. As for whether or not imperial words were given to buke, the crime was not deemed to be serious, and gozen sata were completed on February 5th by considering punishment by dismissal for Hisatsune Kujo. This Emperor's trial case posed a difficult question in terms of whether to give priority to State bureaucracy connected to government officials, or to patrimonial bureaucracy connected to powerful families and their servants. Attendants Sanetaka Sanjonishi and Kanroji Chikanaga, who were connected to the Setsuroku family and Kujo family as relations by marriage, felt that the crime against Arikazu was clear, and they opposed punishment by dismissal as lightening the family heads' right to punish servants and attendants. With the imperial decision of February 2nd, the Emperor withdrew punishment by dismissal of the adviser and approved as an imperial decree punishment of the Kujo family by censure and suspension of service, as proposed by the Konoe family. In this way, the Emperor of the Muromachi/Sengoku Period exercised his right to judge and punish disputes and murder cases between Imperial Court nobles, dispatching imperial messengers and putting great effort into understanding the related partied by means of imperial questions, with the Emperor making final decisions on punishment by censure or suspension of service. On the other hand, taking the Muromachi shogun (buke shisso) as a pretext, the Emperor reciprocated by appointing a member of the Konoe family as his chief adviser. Even in the Muromachi/Sengoku Period, the Emperor exercised jurisdiction in relation to disputes between Imperial Court nobles, and it was clarified that patriarchal authority was strengthened while utilizing the shogunate as a guardian.