薗部 寿樹
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.77, pp.27-52, 1999-03

本論文は、文書の署判の位置に書かれた村落集団の名の下に付された判(「惣判」)や印(「惣印」)について考察したものである。村落が外部に発給した文書の署判の位置に書かれた村落名や村落集団名は、差出人特定のための地名表記にすぎない場合がある。そのために本論文では、単一の村落集団内部で文書としての機能(作成・伝達・伝来)が基本的に完結する村落内部文書に考察対象を限定した。村落内部文書の署判の位置には単なる村落名表記はほとんどなく、村落集団の名称や「定文言」、「衆議文言」が書かれる例が多い。村落集団名の署、定文言、衆議文言などの「惣中文言」は、村落集団の文書制定の意思を署判の位置で明示するものであった。惣判は、一六世紀以降、年寄衆・座衆身分の年寄が、惣中文言に単独で据えた判である。それは、中近世移行期村落の動揺に対して、年寄衆・座衆身分集団がとった村落運営維持策のひとつであった。一七世紀初頭に惣印があらわれる。惣印は、一五世紀末期の都市惣判の形成を背景に、朱印状や都市からの影響による捺印慣行の村落への浸透を直接的な要因として成立した。惣判と惣印は、いずれも惣中文言の正当性を担保するもので、両者に本質的な相違はない。一七世紀中期に惣中文言及び惣判・惣印が消滅し、かわって村落名に判や私印を加えた「村落名署判」が成立する。さらに一八世紀中期、村の名や村の役職名を印文とする「村の公印」が成立する。ただし、村の公印が作られず、村落名署判のまま近代を迎える村が多い。最後に、村落関係文書全般における惣判・惣印の検討、百姓等申状の署判と惣中文言及び惣判との関連、村落名署判へ変化する背景などの課題を提示した。This paper discusses the "Sou-han" and the "Sou-in", which are the seals imprinted under the names of a village group at the signature position in documents.Village names or village group names given at the signature position in documents, when they are issued outside the community, are often written simply to specify the sender's name. Therefore the author limits the discussion to an internal document whose functions (documentation, transmission and preservation) are complete within a village group. In case of internal village-documents, village name descriptions are scarcely observed. Instead, in many cases are found the names of the village group together with the "Sadame-mongon", or the "Shugi-mongon". The "Souchū-mongon" include signatures of the village group name, Sadame-mongon and Shugi-mongon. They were intended to stress the enactment of village documents by locating them at the position of the seal.The Sou-han, being found since the 16th century, is a seal which Tosiyori in the ranks of Tosiyori-shu and Za-shu imprinted personally in the Souchū-mongon. This procedure was one of the policies by which the group of Tosiyori-shu and Za-shu intended to maintain the village management, coping with the shake-up in the transitional periods from the medieval to the modern.The Sou-in appears in the beginning of the 17th century. It originates from the Tosi-Souhan established in cities at the end of the 15th century. The Sou-in becomes established under the direct influence of the Shuinjou and with the spread of seal use from cities to counties. The Sou-han and Sou-in are used to secure the justification of the Souchū-mongon, and there are no practical difference between the two.During the middle of the 17th century, the Souchū-mongon, Souhan and Sou-in disappear, followed by the establishment of the "Sonrakumei-shohan", which features a seal or a private seal printed with the village's name. Then in the middle of the 18th century, the "Village's official seal" appears. It includes the names of villages or the official positions. Many villages, however, arrived at the modern age without having village's official seals.Several issues remain to be discussed in the future : an examination of the Sou-han and Sou-in on village documents in general, the relation between seals on farmer's allegation documents and the Souchū-mongon and Souhan, and the background that gave rise to the change to the Sonrakumei-shohan.


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こんな論文どうですか? 中世村落における惣判・惣印について(薗部 寿樹),1999 https://t.co/5tfeodTnCd 本論文は、文書の署判の位置に書かれた村落集団の名の下に付された判(…

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