中世社会では徳政の実行が統治者の統治者たりうる条件とされ、代替わりや天災・戦乱などを契機にしばしば徳政の実行が宣言されたことは、中世史ではすでに常識となっている。笠松宏至氏は、鎌倉後期に公武両権力によって行われた徳政の篇目は仏神領の興行と雑訴の興行(公平な裁判)にあることを明らかにしたが、その後、五味文彦氏によって平安末期の荘園整理令がすでに代替わり徳政としての性格をもっていたことを明らかにされ、応安の半済令についても、笠松氏や村井章介氏によって将軍代始めの仏神領興行の徳政としての性格をもつものであることが明らかにされた。これによって統治者の代替わりに徳政が実施されることは、中世の成立期から南北朝期まで一貫して認められる現象であったことが明らかになっている。さらに海津一朗氏は、鎌倉後期の仏神領の興行が荘園制の再編を促し、その結果、「寺社本所一円領」と「武家領」からなる中世後期荘園制が成立していくことを明らかにしている。中世後期荘園制は鎌倉後期〜南北朝期の徳政を論理的根拠として存立していたことが提起されたわけであるが、中世後期研究の側でこの提起を受けとめた議論はまだ展開されていない。本稿では、足利義持、義教、義政という義満を後継する室町殿の代始めの土地政策に注目し、沽却された土地の返付訴訟、およびそれに対する幕府の態度について検討した。そして室町期においてもなお、代始めにあたって寺社領興行(沽却地の返付)を求める社会動向があり、またそれに応じることを徳政であると考える為政者側の考え方と施策が存在していたことを明らかにした。In medieval society the implementation of "tokusei" (lit:"virtuous government") was a provision that could be exercised by rulers. It has become commonly accepted within medieval history that declarations of the implementation of tokusei were frequently made at times of succession, disasters and war. Hiroshi Kasamatsu has said that decisions to implement tokusei under the dual authority of the imperial court and shogunate during the late Kamakura period are to be found in connection with the policy of protction temple and shrine land and legal action (impartial courts). Later on, Fumihiko Gomi showed that edicts establishing the shoen system at the end of the Heian period already contained provisions for tokusei at the time of succession. Kasamatsu and Shosuke Murai have said that the edict halving the taxes paid to rulers during the Oan era (1368-1375) contains what amounts to the first tokusei for temple and shrine land at the start of the reign of new shogun. This shows that the implementation of tokusei upon the succession of a ruler was a recognized phenomenon throughout the time starting at the beginning of the medieval period through to the period of the Southern and Northern Courts. Furthermore, Ichiro Kaizu says that the policy protection temple and shrine land at the late Kamakura period encouraged a reorganization of the shoen system, resulting in the establishment of the late medieval shoen system, which consisted of the "Jisha honjo ichien ryo" and the "Buke ryo". It has been asserted that the shoen system of the late medieval period was logically underpinned by tokusei from the late Kamakura through to the period of the Southern and Northern Courts. However, discussion accepting this assertion has yet to take place within research on the late medieval period.This paper focuses on the land policies at times of succession by Ashikaga Yoshimochi, Yoshinori and Yoshimasa, the rulers who succeeded Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and lived in the Muromachi palace in Kyoto. It discusses legal action for the return of land that had been sold and the attitude of the bakufu toward such action. It also shows that for the Muromachi period as well there was a social movement at the beginning of the period that demanded the taking of temple and shrine land (the return of sold land). Further, it explicates the existence of measures and the attitude of the ruling class, which believed that acceding to such demands was tokusei.