橋本 鉱市
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.55, pp.129-138, 2016-03-31

In this paper, I examined the speeches delivered by successive presidents of the University of Tokyo at entrance and graduation ceremonies after the war by using quantitative text analysis which had never been used in this field. Then I tried to find out how their self-awareness to the university and the organizational identity have been changing since post-war. Followings are what I found out. While every president has a certain common trend in his self-awareness to the University of Tokyo, some parts are reflected on both the situation of the times (i.e. political background, institutional context and public opinions) and each president's individual character.


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#研究事例リストに追加しました:橋本鉱市 2016 「大学の自己認識に関する一試論 ―東大総長の入学式・卒業式辞内容の計量テキスト分析から―」 『東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』 55: 129-138 https://t.co/rlSOFz47lj

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