高永 茂
広島文化女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:09137068)
no.26, pp.11-19, 1993-07-10

The purpose of this paper is to compare the category of modality with that of 'Bunmatsu-shi (文末詞)'. Most of modal elements appear at the final position of sentences in Japanese. In the study of current Japanese, the notion of modality is applied to standard Japanese (共通語). 'Bunmatsu-shi' is a technical term introduced by Y. Fujiwara in dialectology of Japanese. 'Bunmatsu-shi' means a part of speech to express respect to a person at the final position of sentences. Modal elements and 'Bunmatsu-shi' have the same features in its position and function. But 'Bunmatsu-shi' has more different styles in dialects than in standard Japanese. Therefore, function of each element in 'Bunmatsu-shi' has not been studied well, unlikely 'NE (ね)' and 'YO (よ)' in standard Japanese. If the two fields, modality and 'Bunmatsu-shi', should be combined and be related each other as a target of the study, it will make a great progress in the study of Japanese.


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「ムードは,話し手の文の内容に関す る心的態度を表現する職能や機能の中でも,とくに動詞の活用形と密接に結合した文法範疇を言う。モダリティは,ムードを含み,統語論上の特徴や助詞,助動詞による表現,また語用論などを含む,より広い概念として用いられている。」 https://t.co/AAV7j9QaQd

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