宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 = St. Andrew's University sociological review (ISSN:02876647)
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-25, 2016-09-30

The works of Erving Goffman(1920-1980)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the fourth one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, used Goffman's social theory in systematically constructingstructuration theory. The main findings are as follows. First, through interpreting Goffman's works, Giddens found systematic construction in Goffman's social theory. His social theory is constructed on the basic theory of co-presence and interaction. Second, when Giddens wrote Constitution of Society in 1984, he tried to systematize structuration theory by using Goffman's social theory as one of interaction or social process. But as he failed in finding proper place of co-presence in social structure, Giddens could not succeed in systematically constructing structuration theory. Third, in his some works, Giddens took theoretical viewpoints to find proper place of co-presence in social structure. There are five main viewpoints of depicting society as congregation of locales or regions where co-presences develop.


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