松田 潤
アジア太平洋研究 = Review of Asian and Pacific studies (ISSN:09138439)
no.41, pp.45-61, 2016

In this paper, the topics concerning of mourning and melancholy are discussed in reference to "Namaeyotattearuke Nakaya Kokichi Ikousyu"(1972). First, the potential and limit of Nakaya's participation in Movement at Ryukyu University though 1960s which was triggered by the death of his niece in the incident of 1959 Okinawa F-100 Crash will be examined in a historical context. I will further examine that the movement was aiming to overcome an aspect of its sectionality and inflexibility and to criticize the significance of Reversion Movement in Japan in the context of historical trend in Neo-leftism. Secondly, Nakaya's journey for 40 days in his "motherland Japan" was the second trigger after the death of his niece to change his perspectives. Nakaya's arrest for occupation in Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands was evaluated to be separation from representative politics and to be in the process of population becoming "people". Lastly, the poem of Nakaya's which was believed to be Nakaya's fail in political conflicts should be dealt. Nakaya endeavored to perpetuate his poem and death by the means of opposition to the contemporary political system. In addition, whether the way of incorporation of the trace of alterity and endless mourning work or not should be.


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CiNii 論文 -  永続する死/詩 : 1960年代の琉大学生運動と中屋幸吉 (特集 〈沖縄の思想〉をめぐって) https://t.co/RPSGUuPmnY #CiNii 琉大マル研というと、この松田潤氏の論文とあとは芝田秀幹氏の論文か。

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