西村 慎太郎
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.13, pp.1-18, 2017-03

本稿は甲斐国巨摩郡青柳村における文書管理の様相を明らかにするものである。甲斐国巨摩郡青柳村は現在の山梨県南巨摩郡富士川町青柳町に該当し、その村の村役人を務めた秋山家の古文書が国文学研究資料館に収蔵されている。 青柳村の名主引継目録は26 冊残されており、文政2 年(1819)に、災害に関わる文書を整理する必要から作成された。明治時代に至るまでの間に、4 回の文書整理があり、記載順序の確定、「古たんす」や郷蔵への移管、文書廃棄、一括化などの原状変更が徐々に行われていった。文書は袋・くくり紐・巻子仕立てなど文書を一括してファイリングしており、保管と活用のために適宜原状に変更を加えている。一枚物は関係文書とともに括られて一括化していることが多いが、年貢割付状・年貢皆済目録は括られておらず、割付状・皆済目録に記載された自然災害による年貢減免のために参照する可能性が指摘できる。 「書物帳面引渡帳」内の記載順序は弘化3 年以降ほぼ確定するが、歴史認識の変化や存在証明文書の軽視が見られ、存在証明文書自体の存在価値の「揺れ」と評価した。 アーカイブズ学的な整理の課題として、名主引継文書目録が遺されている場合、それらを十分に分析した編成が不可欠である点を指摘した。This paper aims at elucidating ways in which documents were preserved in Aoyagi Village, Koma County, in the province of Kai (modern-day Yamanashi). These documents, once under the care of the Akiyama family of Aoyagi Village, are currently stored in the National Institute of Japanese Literature.A total of twenty-six volumes containing the names of all Aoyagi village elders and their years of service (nanushi hikitsugi mokuroku) were produced as a means of organizing the village archives after a great fire which occurred in 1819. Between this year and the Meiji period (latter half of the nineteenth century), these documents were reorganized four times: they were reordered, for example, based on date of composition; they were transferred to different shelves and different rooms; some documents were discarded, while others were bundled together. Regarding this last feature, documents of various formats—thread-bound booklets, documents tied together in bundles, even hanging scrolls—were all filed together, such that the original form of these documents was significantly altered. This paper demonstrates how, while many singlepage documents were bundled together with other relevant documents, annual tax allocation forms (nengū waritsukejō) and annual tax receipts (nengū kaisai mokuroku) were not, in order to facilitate easy reference when calculating tax reductions due to natural disasters.Listings in the documents and accounts turnover record dated from 1846 appear in a more-or-less stable order. However, due to changes in attitudes towards history and a general disregard for document existence certificates, the value of these later certificates is itself by no means stable.Finally, this paper calls for a thorough examination of village elder lists, where such lists still exist, as an important part of understanding techniques of archival organization.


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