酒井 茂幸
国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.273-296, 2017-03

本稿では延宝八年(一六八〇)から天和三年(一六八三)の後西院から霊元天皇・近衛基凞への古今伝受について、『基凞公記』の別記・陽明文庫蔵『伝授日記』の解読を中心に据えて、流れを整理し、かつそれぞれの場面における様相を御所伝受の通史を視野に収め検討する。まず、霊元天皇から所望が提起され、後西院が後水尾院に相談し諒解が得られた。続いて「三十首和歌」が詠進され、いよいよ後西院による講釈が、延宝八年五月六日から始まる。一度徳川家綱の薨去のため延宝八年五月一一日に講釈が中断し、約三年後の天和三年四月二日に再開される。後西院の講釈は天和三年四月一四日に終り、一六日になり切紙伝受、誓状の提出、証明状の下賜と進んだ。切紙伝受の模様は、天正二年(一五七四)の古今伝受以来と同様に、人麻呂の画像を架けその前に設えた白机に三種の神器を置き神事として行われた。ただ、寛文四年(一六六四)の古今伝受以来三種の神器の玉が香箱になっている。東山御文庫蔵『後西天皇古今伝授御証明状』に拠ると、この四月一六日の霊元天皇への切紙伝受では、後水尾院相伝・宸翰の切紙二四通と後西院宸翰『伝心抄』の進上が伝受の対象となった。一方、基凞への切紙伝受では後西院宸翰の切紙が伝受されたようであり、陽明文庫に後西院宸翰の切紙が所蔵されている。なお、二二日に小御所において竟宴和歌御会が催されていることも注意される。This paper is a detailed reading of one section of Konoe Motohiro's (1648-1722) diary, entitled Denju niiki (Diary of the secret transmission), currently part of the Yōmei Collection. Retired Emperor Go-Sai (1637-1685, r. 1654-1663) spent a total of four years, from 1680 to 1683, passing on his lineage of the secret transmission-a collection of esoteric interpretations -of the Kokin wakashū (Anthology of Japanese poems old and new, 905) to Emperor Reigen (1654-1732, r. 1663-1687) and Konoe Motohiro. In this paper, I will look closely at Konoe's diary in hopes of reconstructing the various stages of this transmission, as well as the different venues within the palace in which it took place.In the first place, it was Emperor Reigen who initiated the process by appealing to Retired Emperor Go-Sai, who, having in turn consulted with Retired Emperor Go-Mizunoo (1596-1680, r. 1611-1629), gained permission to begin the secret transmission. Then, the thirty poems around which this secret transmission revolves were recited, after which, on the sixth day of the fifth month in the eighth year of Enpō (1680), Retired Emperor Go-Sai began his exoteric explanation. The death of Tokugawa Ietsuna (1641-1680, shogun from 1651-1680) less than a week put a temporary halt to these lectures. They were eventually resumed some three years later, in 1683, on the second day of the fourth month. Retired Emperor Go-Sai concluded his lectures on fourteenth day of that same month, whereupon his two disciples were made to vow never to reveal the transmission to the uninitiated. They were both given certificates which proved their newly attained place in the lineage of the secret transmission.


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