富田 旋 立田 怜平 山場 久昭 油田 健太郎 岡崎 直宣
宮崎大學工學部紀要 (ISSN:05404924)
vol.47, pp.255-277, 2018-07

CAPTCHA is a type of challenge response test used to distinguish human users from malicious computer programs such as bots, and is used to protect email, blogs, and other web services from bot attacks. So far, research on enhance of CAPTCHA's resitance to bot attacks has been proceeded to counter advanced automated attacks method. However, an attack technique known as a relay attack has been devised to circumvent CAPTCHA. In this attack, since human solves CAPTCHA, the existing measures assuming bots have no effect on this attack. We designed a new CAPTCHA scheme for relay attacks tolerance and automated attacks tolerance. In this paper, we tested the robustness of the proposed method against several types of automated attacks. We constructed an experimental environment in which a relay attack can be simulated, and designed a series of experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. As a result, we found that the proposed CAPTCHA scheme offers some of level of resistance to automated attacks and relay attacks.


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こんな論文どうですか? リレーアタック耐性とBOT耐性の両立を目指したインタラクティブな動画CAPTCHA方式に関する研究(富田 旋ほか),2018 https://t.co/8SxZj9Kh5z
こんな論文どうですか? リレーアタック耐性とBOT耐性の両立を目指したインタラクティブな動画CAPTCHA方式に関する研究(富田 旋ほか),2018 https://t.co/8SxZj9Kh5z
こんな論文どうですか? リレーアタック耐性とBOT耐性の両立を目指したインタラクティブな動画CAPTCHA方式に関する研究(富田 旋ほか),2018 https://t.co/8SxZj9Kh5z

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