橋本 鉱市
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.56, pp.97-107, 2016

The purpose of this article is the content analysis of university advertisements placed in the exam-study magazine "Keisetsu-Jidai" during the 40 years following World War II. Especially focused on the graphics (non-textual matter), it traces universities' publicity activities and their transformation. Findings were as follows. 1) Buildings pictures have been used as a symbol of reconstruction of universities during postwar Showa era. 2) Chat scenery of students and laboratory pictures has increased since the late 1960s. 3) Portraits placed only one student also increased after the late 1970s. It is assumed that these changes reflect the transformation of the image for university.


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#NowBrowsing CiNii 論文 -  戦後日本における大学広告の内容分析(2)『蛍雪時代』(昭和24~63年)を対象として https://t.co/RVsjWu2QhX
橋本 鉱市-  戦後日本における大学広告の内容分析(2)『蛍雪時代』(昭和24~63年)を対象として https://t.co/Y5F3ERasXA #CiNii

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