- 著者
南 基鶴
- 出版者
- 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
- 雑誌
- 史林 (ISSN:03869369)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.73, no.5, pp.p682-721, 1990-09
個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、幕府の対蒙古政策の歴史的性格を究明する試みで、その政治的・社会的背景に考察をしぼった。まず、蒙古国書に対する朝幕の対応の違いを比較し、幕府の「牒状無礼」=「返牒無用」の名分論的強硬策が朝廷の「返牒」を抑制、外交上の主導権を確保する政策であったと解した。つぎに、蒙古襲来前夜における幕府内の矛盾の爆発=「二月騒動」を分析し、この事件を経て得宗権力の政策主導権が確立されたが、得宗の政治的不安感は解消されなかったと見た。さらに、「異国征伐」計画は、御家人の動向による防禦体制の動揺を背景としており、単に外敵への攻撃に止まらず、防禦体制の強化・再編と得宗の権力基盤の拡大を図ったものと捉えた。最後に、幕府の諸国寺社への異国降伏祈祷令と諸国一宮・国分寺の興行には、国家的危機を顧みない武士=在地領主の意識と行為を規制し、幕府の将軍の権威下に彼らを結集・支配しようとする意図がこめられていたと理解した。The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical character of the Kamakura Bakufu's policy toward Mongolia, with focus on the political and social background of the policy. First, I compare the different ways the Imperial Court and the Bakufu dealt with the message from the Mongol Empire. The conclusion is that the Bakufu's strong policy to stick to formality -- which is to say that because the foreign message is impolite, the Bakufu feels no need to reply -- was to restrain the measures of replying taken by the Court and to secure the inntiative of the Bakufu in diplomatic matters. Second, I analyze the "February Strife" 二月騒動 that exposed the contradictions within the Bakufu just before the Mongol invasion. After the strife, the power of the Tokuso established the leadership of policy, but the Tokuso's consciousness of political unrest was not resolved. Third, behind the counterattack plan toward Korean Peninsular 異国征伐 there lay the instability of the defense system caused by the economic burdens and complaints of the Gokenin in Kyusu. The plan attempted not only resistance of the foreign invasion, but also the reinforcement and reorganization of the defense system as well as the extension of the power base of the Tokuso. Last, in order to restrain both the thought and behavior of warriors who had not considered the national crisis, and to unite and control them under the authority of the Shogun, the Bakufu gave orders that the temples and shrines in various provinces pray for the surrender of the foreign enemies, and conducted the restoration of the Ichinomiya and Kokubunji in various provinces.