小塩 慶
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.6, pp.641-677, 2017-11
亀田 俊和
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
vol.89, no.4, pp.517-548, 2006-07-01

恩賞充行政策は、将軍の主従制的支配権の根幹で、かつ、南北朝初期室町幕府の最も重要な政策課題であり、恩賞充行の将軍下文には、執事施行状が付されて恩賞の実現に大いに貢献した。本稿では、執事施行状の発給機関が、室町幕府追加法第七条等の検討によって仁政方であることを論証し、併せて仁政方が、南北朝全期にわたって施行状を含む執事奉書一般を発給する、将軍管轄下の執事の機関である事実を考証した。 また、追加七条は、足利直義が執事施行状の発給を停止し、自己の管轄機関である引付方で下文の執行を行うことを定めた法令であり、ここに直義と執事高師直の対立が窺え、さらにこの抗争の根底には、恩賞充行の実現をめぐって、鎌倉幕府以来の伝統的な評定―引付体制を堅持するか、守護に遵行を命じる下文施行システムを発展させて、将来的に管領制度を確立させるかといった幕府内部の政策対立が存在したことを論じた。
堀 裕
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.81, no.1, pp.38-69,131, 1998
Millar Fergus G.B. 井上 文則
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.83, no.3, pp.499-517, 2000-05

萩原 大輔
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.6, pp.814-836, 2010-11

Although religious violence was a characteristic of medieval Buddhism, the amount of research devoted to the topic has been rather sparse despite recognition of its importance. This study attempts to clarify the special character of religious violence in the temples of medieval Yamato by preparing a printed text of a portion of a group of extant documents o Hoshu-in 宝珠院 (Items 27-46 bundled together in Box 7). The nineteen items on 22 sheets of paper are a group of paper slips that were produced to appeal to Shukngoshin (Sk. Vajrapani) of Hokkedo at Todaiji for religious sanctions against those who had committed some sort of transgression. The sheets can be divided into three types: type A that have no indication of either the date or issuer; type B that are dated but the issuer is not recorded; and type C that have both the date and issuer recorded. In temple society of medieval of Yamato, "confining a name" (romyo 籠名) and cursing (juso 呪咀 or chobuku 調伏) were thought to have been completely different types of religious sanctions, but in each type of sanction was accompanied by the act of "confining a name". Types A and B can be described as a "name-confinement slip" 籠名札 and type C as a "curse slip" 調伏札. The monks of the Hokkedo at Todaiji would write the name of the object of the sanctions (creating s name-confinement slip) on a rectangular slip of paper 10 centimeters square, place it "in confinement" before Shukongoshin, and then receive the determination that the named parties were enemies of the temple (implementing the name confinement). If the required actions were not carried out within the fixed period of "name confinement", a new curse slip would be created and it would be "confined" before the deity and the more severe sanction of a curse would be applied. Cursing of a name was a common practice in medieval Buddhism, but the special characteristic of medieval Yamato temples was the existence of the sanction of "confining a name" that guaranteed the lifting of the determination of one being an enemy of the temple by removing the name, as the first stage of religious violence, and furthermore this sanction can be clearly located Within the reform of the system of "temple law".
石川 禎浩
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.102, no.1, pp.152-187, 2019-01

近代西洋由来の文明史観は、東アジアの「歴史学」の形成に大きな影響を与えた。文明史観(東西文明論)をその価値観とともに中国に紹介し、根付かせたのは、戊戌政変によって日本に亡命した梁啓超、あるいは中国共産党の創設者の一人となる李大釗らであり、それを可能にしたのは、梁にあっては福沢諭吉や浮田和民の著作、李にあっては茅原華山の著作という日本語の出版物を参照できたことだった。「四大文明」という呼称も、二〇世紀初頭には日本、中国ですでに登場していたものであって、一部の歴史家がいうような戦後の発明品ではない。その後、中国でいわゆる「東西文明論争」が一九一〇年代半ば以降に華々しく行われると、文明史観から派生した地理環境決定論が東西文明の違いを説明するものとして、いったんは主流の言説となった。ただし、歴史の発展を単線的、一元的なものとみなす唯物史観が中国左翼論壇を席巻していくと、文明史観、特に地理環境決定論に依拠する歴史解釈は、次第にその影響力を失ってしまうことになる。The concept of civilization derived from the West exerted tremendous influence upon the formation and development of the modern historiography in East Asia, and caused the boom of the "historical perspective on civilization" 文明史観 at the end of 19th century and early in the 20th century. In China, Liang Qichao 梁啓超 who was a famous journalist and activist in the era of the Hundred Days' Reform, pioneered the early introduction of the "historical perspective on civilization, " and was followed by Li Dazhao 李大釗, one of the founding members of the Chinese Communist Party, who had once applied the perspective to his unique understanding of the significance of the Russian October Revolution. In fact, in understanding the "historical perspective on civilization, " Liang and Li were deeply influenced by the publications by Japanese journalists, such as An Outline of a Theory of Civilization (Bunmei ron no gairyaku), General Introduction to the History (Shigaku Genron), and A History of Human Life (Ningen Seikatsu shi), written respectively by Fukuzawa Yukichi 福沢諭吉, Ukita Kazutami 浮田和民 and Kayahara Kazan 茅原華山. Thus, we see that the "historical perspective on civilization, " according to those Japanese intellectuals, was commonly accepted as new knowledge by Chinese intellectuals regardless of their political positions, be they reformist or revolutionary. It is noteworthy that Liang and Li accepted the so-called "geographical determinism" with the historical perspective on civilization. They argued that the rise and fall of peoples, the flourishing and demise of civilizations throughout history had been determined by geographical factors such as topography and climate. Their understanding of the relationship between geography and civilization can also be explained by the influence from the above-mentioned Japanese intellectuals. Today, historical research that is based on the "theory of geographical determinism" is rejected by both geographers and historians because the theory is seen as superficial. However, it was recognized as an important and core element of the historical perspective on civilization at that time. Furthermore, it was also the important theoretical foundation that supplied the backing for the early field of human geography as a science in the West. In the prolonged debate on the East-West notions of civilization during the May Fourth period China (from second half of 1910s to the first half of 1920s), the theory of geographical determinism was frequently used as convincing evidence to explain the differences among civilizations of the world. Some intellectuals went as far as to recognize the historical materialism as a theory analogous to that of geographical determinism. Li Dazhao was none other than one of those who came to espouse historical materialism via geographical determinism. However, as official dogmatic historical materialism prevailed among the left-wing intellectual community in China after the 1930s, geographical determinism along with the historical perspective on civilization was not only criticized as a 'wrong' interpretation of social and economic phenomena, but also at times considered anti-Marxist. Thus, geographical determinism, the most popular ideas of one era, gradually lost its influence thereafter, and was completely rejected in the early decades of the People's Republic of China. This essay also critically examines a recent argument by some Japanese historians that the origin of the well-known term "the four major ancient civilizations" was created only after the World War II (in 1952) and has currency only in Japan. The argument is unsound, because the term appeared as early as at the end of the 19th century in both Japan and China.
橋本 初子
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.62, no.5, pp.p671-696, 1979-09

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり今日、神社に伝来している古文書のなかに、「御奉行所候也」という書止め文言の文書がある。この文書は、様式的には御教書であり、公刊の史料集では、すでに御教書として扱われてきている。しかし、これらの文書はたんなる御教書ではなく、実際には院宣・綸旨として機能していた。本来、院宣は院司奉書、綸旨は蔵人奉書という形式が、いずれも原則であるが、本稿に紹介する「御奉行所候也」の院宣・綸旨は、かかる普通の院宣・綸旨をさらに下位の庁務主典代や蔵人所出納がもう一度奉じて、宛所に伝達するという二段構えの奉書形式である。本来の院宣・綸旨は、官職を帯し、政治機構内に位置しなければもらえなかった。そして官職についていないが、上皇 (天皇) の命令が伝達されねばならない時、本来の院宣・綸旨とは別形態の「御奉行所候也」の形式によって、院宣・綸旨が伝達された。本稿では、従来の古文書学では扱われなかった、この別形態の院宣・綸旨の実態について考察するものである。
青谷 秀紀
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.1, pp.69-102, 2015-01


9 0 0 0 史林

史學研究會 [編]
上野 大輔
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.3, pp.390-417, 2010-05

沈 箕載
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.77, no.2, pp.p256-286, 1994-03

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、近世から近代への転換期である幕末期における日本の対朝鮮外交を検討する試みで、幕府の朝鮮政策の展開過程とその性格、機構上の改編の変化に重点をおいた。まず、政策の面では、文久三年から元治元年前半期までの朝鮮服属政策の継続推進、元治元年後半期に至ってのその政策の見直し、そして朝鮮服属政策のながれを汲む慶応三年の朝鮮開港交易政策という、一本化のものではなく多少の変化の過程を辿ったと見た。さらにその朝鮮政策の決定過程に老中板倉勝静が深く関わってきたことに注目した。またこの時期に、従来のものとは形を異にする幕府機構上の改編(朝鮮問題専任老中の誕生、外国事務総裁による朝鮮外交取扱、以酎庵の廃止に代わる幕府官僚の直接派遣) が行なわれたことを明らかにした。こうした幕府による日韓外交関係の改編は、朝鮮服属(征韓) 外交の下に、日朝外交一元化の方向性を示すものであり、従来の前近代的東アジア外交から欧米的外交への転換を目指そうとするものであったと理解した。This paper attempts to investigate Japan's diplomatic policy toward Korea during the closing days of the Tokugawa regime, the transitional stage from the later medieval period to the modern period, with special emphasis on the course of development and the nature of the government's Korean policy as well as the reorganization of the system. First, the author shows that the Korean policy of Japan during this period was not consistent, and underwent some changes. From the third year of Bunkyu 文久, to the first half of the first year of Genji 元治, the government continued promoting a policy of subjugating Korea. During' the second half of the first year of Genji, however, the policy was reconsidered. In the third year of Keio 慶応, the government adopted a policy of opening Korea to trade with Japan, a revival of the previous subjugation, policy. Furthermore, the author gives attention to the fact that Itakura Katsukiyo 板倉勝静, a Roju (Tokugawa government minister), Played an important role in the process of making policy toward Korea. Secodly, the author reveals that during this period unprecedented reforms were made in the Tokugawa government's organization in chaege of Korea : the establishment of a post of Roju in exclusive charge of Korea, the management of Korean affairs by the president of foreign affairs 外国事務総裁 , and the abolition of Iteian 以酊庵 (an outpost of the government situated on Tsushima island), which was replaced by government officials dispatched to Korea. These modifications in Japanese-Korean diplomatic relations suggest a simplification of policy aimed at the subjugation of Korea, and a change from a traditional pre-modern East-Asian diplomacy to a western style diplomatic policy.
勝山 清次
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.6, pp.813-848, 2014-11

一一世紀前半以降、神社による怪異の訴えと朝廷でのト占(軒廊御卜) の実施が急増する。本稿はその要因と歴史的な意義を究明したものである。軒廊御トが増えはじめる一一世紀前半、貴族の間でその時代を乱れた末世とみる末代観が深まるにつれ、彼らは将来の災厄をもたらす神の崇りの予兆である神社の怪異に敏感に反応するようになり、神社側が自己主張を強化したことと相挨って、卜占の盛行をもたらすにいたった。卜占が盛んに行われるようになると、貴族たちは崇りをもたらす神事の違犯に鋭敏になり、穢れを避けようとして忌避を強化する。それは日常的に神事に関わっていた天皇周辺から始まり、次第に範囲を広げていった。一一世紀後半以降、天皇の名で行われる恩赦において、しばしば神社の訴えに触れるものを対象から除外する措置がとられるが、これも神慮に背く行為を慎み、神事不信による神の崇りを避けようとする点で、穢れ忌避の強化と同根である。神社における怪異はまた、神の崇りが現れる前に、それを人間に知らせ手立てをこうじさせる予兆の意味をもっていた。神はあらかじめ予兆することによって、崇りを避けるための対応を求め、そうした人間の行為に応えようとしているのであり、ここに中世的な「応える神」が明確な形をとって現れているとみることができる。一一世紀前半から中葉にかけては、こうした神が性格変化をとげる画期でもあったのである。
吉本 道雅
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.3, pp.418-446, 2010-05
金 玄耿
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.4, pp.465-490, 2017-07

貴種は日本中世権門の上流階層の身分を表す概念であるが、その語は古代の史料からも見られる。古代史では貴種を天皇の血統と関連付けて、中世の貴種との関係は言及されなかった。本稿は、史料上の「貴種」の用例を検討し、その成立と転換の考察を通して、古代から中世への転換期における社会の変容の様相を捉える。まず、九世紀の文人貴族による文書から「貴種」が三位以上ないし公卿の子孫、ひいては王臣家の子弟を指すことを明らかにした。歴史学ではあまり使われなかった詩序を史料として活用し、貴族日記の記事を分析することで、持続的な公卿地位の継承なしに「貴種」と称される家柄の存在を一一世紀後半から確認した。同じ先祖を持つ門流から「貴種」の家とそうでない家が分岐する現象を通して、一一世紀中葉には貴族社会の変動に伴って「貴種」の家が成立し、家格の性格を帯びるようになった「貴種」が中世権門の身分へとつながった点を指摘した。Kishu 貴種 (noble birth) is used as a term while discussing the class structure of Medieval Japan. This term is related to the theory of kenmon taisei (the system of governance by several powerful families) proposed by Toshio Kuroda. It is said that kishu is the primary social class for a group of leaders from powerful aristocratic families, and prescribed by the standard of an official rank. However, although Kuroda brought the word kishu from historical records in the medieval period, it is also found from 9th century documents. In the aspect of ancient Japanese history, kishu is considered as the word concerning the lineage of the Emperor. The relationship between ancient and medieval concepts of kishu has not been argued at all. Establishing a consistent understanding of kishu is important for a discussion of the turning point in Japanese history, a serious change from the ancient society to the medieval one. In this article, I clarify the meaning and the indicated target of kishu using examples of historical records during the Heian period, especially shijo(preface of poems) which was rarely used in historical researches, so that new findings on families and the family status in Japan's medieval age can be provided. The first appearance of kishu in historical documents is in the early 9th century. It is used by a scholar-nobleman who used to be a monjōshō (student of literary studies in the Imperial University), as a meaning of 'offsprings of 3rd court rank officers or higher.' It is determined that the word kishu came from literature and history books of ancient China, which were textbooks for monjōshōs. According to those examples, it is found that kishu was relevant to the blood of noblemen who had high court rank. It does not apply to the Imperial family. However, Sugawara no Michizane, a scholar-nobleman with a monjōshō career, was using the word kishu in a different way in the late 9th century document. He called a daughter of the Emperor as kishu, so that a member of the Imperial family was treated like offsprings of high rank noblemen. Each of 3rd court rank officers or higher was given his own domestic governing institution, and it was same for sons and daughters of the Emperor. Those families were called Ōshinkes, which were so powerful that they began to have influence over the appointment of monjōshōs in the early 9th century, when the word kishu first appeared. Therefore, considering the actual situation at that time, kishu indicated descendants of Ōshinkes as powerful families. After that, the word kishu did not appear until the middle of 11th century. It is remarkable that kishu is not shown during the Sekkan period. In the late 11th century, the first example of kishu was found froma diary of a nobleman, used with the word kaimon (family of the minister). Compared to the 9th century, kishu was focused on a certain family, not the personal court rank. Many examples of kishu in shijos of the 11th-12th centuries are found with words like families of ministers or court nobles. In other words, descendants from families of ministers or court nobles were called kishu. A family of ministers or court nobles is a group of people who have their ancestors of ministers or court nobles. If a member of that family is not in a position of court noble, he could still be called kishu. On the contrary, even though a person who does not belong to the family of kishu became a court noble of high rank, his family could not get the name of kishu. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find out when the family of kishu was established, because we lack historical records in the Sekkan period. However, if we search the last generation of court nobles in a family of kishu and the first person who could not reach the position of court nobles as an ancestor of a non-kishu family, they were people in the middle of 11th century. At that time, the meaning of the word kishu as a family status became clarified. It was because Fujiwara Sekkan family declined and found it hard to produce many court nobles. In contrast, members of other families obtained promotion to become court nobles. Therefore, the word kishu became limited to families around the Sekkan family. And there is some possibility that the concept of kishu as a family status was started to be made from 10th century, when offsprings of Fujiwara no Morosuke prospered. It is said that family status in the medieval Japan existed, such as kindachi (able to be court nobles) and shotaifu (under court nobles). Kishu was a different status from kindachi, and it became the name of the social class for powerful families of the Heian aristocracy.
小林 功
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.102, no.1, pp.40-74, 2019-01

黒河 星子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.3, pp.525-564, 2009-05
