小澤 昌之
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.17, pp.197-214, 2019-03

本稿では、日本と韓国の子どもの教育格差の拡大が起こる背景に関して、学校外教育投資と社会階層との関係をもとに、貧困層─富裕層間の教育格差の有する特徴を精査する。分析する際のキーワードとして、「家庭の経済力や親の教育意識(意欲や選好)によって、子どもの教育達成に格差や不平等が生まれる」ペアレントクラシー概念を用いて分析を行う。 分析結果によれば、第1 に日韓中高生の基本的な学習傾向は、日本より韓国の方が学校外教育機関を多く利用しているうえ、高校受験の有無と各生徒における受験競争へのコミットメントの程度が、学校外教育利用を左右するとみられる。第2 に学校外教育利用を絡む教育格差が存在することは確認できたものの、日本の場合は教育アスピレーション、韓国の場合は成績というように、日韓における教育システムの違いを背景にペアレントクラシーの進行が日韓で異なったと考えられる。|This article investigates the parentocracy hypothesis, which is related to socio-economic status and educational expectation from their parents, and shows its validity for Japanese and South Korean students. Although Japanese and South Korean students commonly tend to expand their use of shadow education (eg. cram school and private tutors etc.), there are differences in various of their lives, such as child-rearing costs' parental educational consciousness, the institution of admission exam to higher education and so on. Therefore, I attempt to analyze the use of shadow education and regulated factors inroled with parentocracy effect on their respective students. According to the results of analysis, Japanese students tend to make the most use of cram schools in the 9th grade, because of their preparation for high school admission exams. South Korean students tend to make greater use of cram schools after graduating from high school. With regard to the parentocracy effect, it was shown that both students in both countries have a common tendency to be significantly influenced by their parents' of guardians, socio-economic status and educational expectation Specifically, it turns at that the factors influenced by the parentocracy effect were different between the two countries(Japanese students: school grades, Korean students: educational aspiration).


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CiNii 論文 -  親の教育期待が青少年の地位達成に及ぼす影響 : 日本・韓国の中高生を子に持つ保護者を対象とした質問紙調査をもとに https://t.co/o9QJyoDjKO #CiNii

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