菊池 聡 佐藤 広英
信州大学人文科学論集 = Shinshu studies in humanities (ISSN:24238910)
no.7, pp.71-86, 2020-03

In order to examine relationships between Twitter use and pseudoscientific beliefs, we conducted two online surveys of individuals in a wide age range and received 2,879 answers. The analysis of these answers suggested that Twitter use and pseudoscientific beliefs are closely related to each other but that their interaction varies according to Twitter viewing frequency and purposes, the kind of pseudoscientific beliefs in question, and Twitter user's information-processing style. In general, some of those who use Twitter very often and rely on their intuition tend to believe in a certain kind of pseudoscientific beliefs. In the surveys, we also requested to describe what kind of pseudoscientific beliefs are the most familiar and pseudoscientific beliefs regarding medical and health care are most often named.


Twitter (3 users, 3 posts, 3 favorites)

今日のさいにーさんぽ どんな人が疑似科学を信じやすい傾向にあるのかみたいなお話? CiNii 論文 -  疑似科学への態度の規定要因に関する諸仮説の検証:科学的知識・剥奪・権威主義 https://t.co/Xc5wfTOnaR #CiNii CiNii 論文 - Twitter利用と疑似科学信奉との関連 https://t.co/mGyX625goS #CiNii
最近読んだ「ニセ科学」関連の論文。 Twitter利用と疑似科学信奉との関連(菊池聡・佐藤広英) https://t.co/s8SxNcETXh 心理学分野で"専門家が疑似科学と考える主張であっても、一般にはその事実が知られていない対象の存在が浮き彫りとなった。"という結果は、他の専門分野でもいえることですよね。

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