高石 恭子 Kyoko TAKAISHI
甲南大学学生相談室紀要 = Bulletin of Konan Student Counseling Room
no.28, pp.62-75, 2021-02-28

This paper reports on the practices of the student counseling room of a medium-sized private university in a crisis situation where the university community introduced remote classes and restricted campus access to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By providing a hybrid of various counseling methods, including a web conference system (Zoom), this institution was able to continue its college counseling services without interruption. The factors considered for success were accurate information obtained from the crisis management committee, prompt information sharing and decision making within the student counseling room, and dissemination of the activity policy to the university.As a result, the trend of the use of the student counseling room over the past 10 months shows that in the first semester, there were more distance counseling cases than in-person counseling ones, but in the second semester, the ratio was reversed. This indicates that students prefer in-person counseling in situations where they have a choice, and that in-person meeting is important for students' psychological growth. From the perspective of the individuality and diversity of the COVID-19 disaster experience, there should be many more situations in which the findings of the college counseling will be useful in the future.


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