鈴木 正崇
哲學 = Philosophy (ISSN:05632099)
vol.147, pp.103-133, 2021-03

This paper analyses crucial issues related to the sumō tournaments and the exclusion of women. This issue is reified by the sumō ring (dohyō土俵), which corresponds to a sacred place where various deities are enshrined and women are not allowed to climb up even during the awards ceremony at the end of the tournaments. There are three different types of ceremonial stages which are performed on the sumō ring: the dohyō ritual for inviting deities, the sports award ceremony for designating the winning wrestler, and the Prime Minister's Award to the winner. Although these procedures are already the result of a combination of pre-modern rituals, modern style ceremonies, and contemporary events. The Sumō Society do not approve the presence of women on the ring and their participation to the ceremony advancing reasons based on an alleged respect of "tradition" (dentō伝統). However, this type of "tradition" has been formed as a counter-discourse to modern society while requestioning what modernity is. The "sumō exclusion of women" (相撲の女人禁制) has been arbitrarily interpreted and criticized on the base of inaccurate historical perceptions. If we reexamine the historical background and introduce the perspective of "invention of tradition," it is possible to push the Sumo Society toward a revision of its positions. If not, the feminist groups that fight for gender equality will change their position due to the problematic Prime Minister's Award. The present "tradition" has been actually introduced as a new event after 1968. Such a "tradition" has been subtly changed and continuously reconstructed for hosting newly created parts. In conclusion, the "sumō exclusion of women" should be interpreted as a discourse and practice, which are generated in the process of reconstructing "tradition".投稿論文


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