篠田 知和基 吉田 敦彦 丸山 顕徳 松村 一男 中根 千絵 鈴木 正崇 不破 有理 服部 等作 山田 仁史 立川 武蔵 後藤 敏文 荻原 真子 木村 武史 後藤 明 廣田 律子 近藤 久美子 竹原 新 坂井 弘紀 諏訪 春雄 小松 和彦 鷹巣 純 栗原 成郎 依田 千百子

鈴木 正崇
法学研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.77, no.1, pp.185-235, 2004-01

一 はじめに二 津軽石三 又兵衛祭り四 伝説五 伝説の相互比較六 祭祀対象七 祭祀の背景八 カタチの解釈学九 現代へのメッセージ川合隆男教授退職記念号
鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.247-269, 2012-03

長野県飯田市の遠山霜月祭を事例として、湯立神楽の意味と機能、変容と展開について考察を加え、コスモロジーの動態を明らかにした。湯立神楽は密教・陰陽道・修験道の影響を受けて、修験や巫覡を担い手として、神仏への祈願から死者供養、祖先祭祀を含む地元の祭と習合して定着する歴史的経緯を辿った。五大尊の修法には、湯釜を護摩壇に見立てたり、火と水を統御する禰宜が不動明王と一体になるなど、修験道儀礼や民間の禁忌意識の影響がある。また、大地や土を重視し竈に宿る土公神を祀り、「山」をコスモロジーの中核に据え、死霊供養を保持しつつ、「法」概念を読み替えるなど地域的特色がある。その特徴は、年中行事と通過儀礼と共に、個人の立願や共同体の危機に対応する臨時の危機儀礼を兼ねることである。中核には湯への信仰があり、神意の兆候を様々に読み取り、湯に託して生命力を更新し蘇りを願う。火を介して水をたぎらす湯立は、人間の自然への過剰な働きかけであり、世界に亀裂を入れて、人間と自然の狭間に生じる動態的な現象を読み解く儀礼で、湯の動き、湯の気配、湯の音や匂いに多様な意味を籠めて、独自の世界を幻視した。そこには「信頼」に満ちた人々と神霊と自然の微妙な均衡と動態があった。Yudate is the boiling water ritual dedicated to Kami ( deities) and Hotoke ( Buddhas) based upon the combination of sacred water and fire. This paper analyses the meaning and function of Yudate Kagura consisting of dance, music and Yudate, held at Tōyama valley in November by lunar calendar. Tōyama is located on the mountain area in the southern part of Nagano prefecture of Japan. Shinto priests or Shugenja ( mountain ascetics) has conducted these rituals on the occasion of annual cerebration called Shimotsuki Matsuri ( November festival) to activate the diminishing power of the sun and human body in the winter solstice. The topics to be discussed in this paper are local history, origin myth, syncretism of Shintōism & Buddhism, ritual process and status of religious practitioners. The main purpose is to make an interpretation of folk religion under the historical perspective. Yudate Kagura is conducted to express the gratitude for Kami and Hotoke to get the good harvest and make sure the future in next year. The villagers want to fulfill the vows of curing the disease, solution of unfortunate troubles and big accidents. Yudate Kagura is the spectacle to become into rebirth through the purification of the body by boiling water based upon the folk knowledge to live with the severe nature.
鈴木 正崇
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.128, pp.447-514, 2012-03

特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文Mountain Worship is the important element to understand the basic folk culture in Japan. This paper analyzes the mountain worship of Mt. Chōkai (2,236 m) in Tōhoku area under the historical and folkloric perspective and shows the development and the transformation of folk culture. We explore the process of the continuity and discontinuity of folk culture by checking historical documents and oral tradition in detail. This paper writes down the critical comments on these. Some features of mountain worship are the following; supporting on the water supply, praying for fertility of agriculture, calming on the explosion of volcano, consoling the dead spirits, guarding of good life and so on.After the middle age, Shugendō, the religious group of mountain practitioner has been affected the great influence on the folk culture and established the unique ritual system of mountain climbing called "Mineiri" (entering into the peak). Furthermore, we explore the some features of this kind of asterism and make the interpretation of concepts and ideas related to Shugendō and the basic culture. Then we show several climbing routes to Mt. Chōkai and discuss on the religious character of them and Shugendō village on the foot of the mountain.In conclusion, I have made a special reference on the process of how the folk culture of mountain worship has continued and survived under the radical political change. In the end, the new trend to preserve the nature as a cultural property has discussed to clarify the modernization of mountain worship.
鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.186, pp.1-29, 2014-03-26

鈴木 正崇
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.92, no.2, pp.131-157, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-12-30)

鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.247-269, 2012-03-30

鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
no.186, pp.1-29, 2014-03

伝承という概念は日本民俗学の中核にあって,学問の成立の根拠になってきた。本論文は,広島県の比婆荒神神楽を事例として伝承の在り方を考察し,「伝承を持続させるものとは何か」について検討する。この神楽は,荒神を主神として,数戸から数十戸の「名」を単位として行われ,13年や33年に1度,「大神楽」を奉納する。「大神楽」は古くは4日にわたって行われ,最後に神がかりがあった。外部者を排除して地元の人々の願いを叶えることを目的とする神楽で秘儀性が強かった。本論文は,筆者が1977年から現在に至るまで,断続的に関わってきた東城町と西城町(現在は庄原市)での大神楽の変遷を考察し,長いサイクルの神楽の伝承の持続がなぜ可能になったのかを,連続性と非連続性,変化の過程を追いつつ,伝承の実態に迫る。神楽が大きく変化する契機となったのは,1960年代に始まった文化財指定であった。今まで何気なく演じていた神楽が,外部の評価を受けることで,次第に「見られる」ことを意識し始めるようになり,民俗学者の調査や研究の成果が地域に還元されるようになった。荒神神楽は秘儀性の高いものであったが,ひとたび外部からの拝観を許すと,記念行事,記録作成,保存事業などの外部の介入を容易にさせ,行政や公益財団の主催による記録化や現地公開の動きが加速する。かくして口頭伝承や身体技法が,文字で記録されてテクスト化され,映像にとられて固定化される。資料は「資源」として流用されて新たな解釈を生み出し,映像では新たな作品に変貌し,誤解を生じる事態も起こってきた。特に神楽の場合は,文字記録と写真と映像が意味づけと加工を加えていく傾向が強く,文脈から離れて舞台化され,行政や教育などに利用される頻度も高い。しかし,そのことが伝承を持続させる原動力になる場合もある。伝承をめぐる複雑な動きを,民俗学者の介在と文化財指定,映像の流用に関連付けて検討し理論化を目指す。The concept of denshō ( tradition) has been central in the study of Japanese folklore, serving as the basis for establishing the study. This paper analyses Hiba Kōjin Kagura Performance in Hiroshima Prefecture as a case study to consider what tradition is and examine what keeps it alive. This kagura is dedicated in worship of Kōjin as a chief deity and performed in units called "myō," a group of several households. Once every 13 or 33 years, people conduct a large scale kagura, which in old times was performed for four days & nights and ended in a trance. That was a highly secret ritual held without any outsiders present and aimed at granting wishes to local people. This paper examines changes in a large scale kagura in Tōjō Town and Saijō Town (currently Shōbara City) in which the author has been intermittently involved since 1977. While reviewing the process of changes, continuity and discontinuity, the paper investigates the reality of tradition: how the long-cycle tradition of the kagura has been kept active. The kagura significantly changed in the 1960s, when it was designated as a cultural property. People had performed the kagura only casually until then, but they gradually became conscious of being "watched" as they were evaluated from outside, and the results of folklore research and studies started to contribute back to the community. Although Kōjin Kagura had been kept strictly secret, once visitors were allowed to see it, it became susceptible to external interventions, such as memorial events, recording, and preservation projects, and the trend among governments and non-profit foundations to make records and give public performances was accelerating. Thus, oral tradition and bodily techniques have become tangible by being documented in writing and recorded on film. The documents have been used as "resources" to produce new interpretations while films have transformed the performance into a new work, sometimes creating misunderstanding. Kagura in particular has a strong tendency that new meanings are added and transformations are made by documents, photos, and films. Moreover, it is frequently performed out of the context as it is used by governments and education systems. These tendencies, however, can also be a driving force to keep tradition alive. This paper is aimed at theorizing complicated movements concerned with tradition by considering them in relation to the intervention of folklorists, designation as a cultural property, and appropriation of films.
鈴木 正崇
哲學 = Philosophy (ISSN:05632099)
vol.147, pp.103-133, 2021-03

This paper analyses crucial issues related to the sumō tournaments and the exclusion of women. This issue is reified by the sumō ring (dohyō土俵), which corresponds to a sacred place where various deities are enshrined and women are not allowed to climb up even during the awards ceremony at the end of the tournaments. There are three different types of ceremonial stages which are performed on the sumō ring: the dohyō ritual for inviting deities, the sports award ceremony for designating the winning wrestler, and the Prime Minister's Award to the winner. Although these procedures are already the result of a combination of pre-modern rituals, modern style ceremonies, and contemporary events. The Sumō Society do not approve the presence of women on the ring and their participation to the ceremony advancing reasons based on an alleged respect of "tradition" (dentō伝統). However, this type of "tradition" has been formed as a counter-discourse to modern society while requestioning what modernity is. The "sumō exclusion of women" (相撲の女人禁制) has been arbitrarily interpreted and criticized on the base of inaccurate historical perceptions. If we reexamine the historical background and introduce the perspective of "invention of tradition," it is possible to push the Sumo Society toward a revision of its positions. If not, the feminist groups that fight for gender equality will change their position due to the problematic Prime Minister's Award. The present "tradition" has been actually introduced as a new event after 1968. Such a "tradition" has been subtly changed and continuously reconstructed for hosting newly created parts. In conclusion, the "sumō exclusion of women" should be interpreted as a discourse and practice, which are generated in the process of reconstructing "tradition".投稿論文
鈴木 正崇
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.92, no.2, pp.131-157, 2018

鈴木 正崇
儀礼文化 (ISSN:02884666)
no.37, pp.59-78, 2006-03