千々和 泰明
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2008, no.154, pp.154_62-154_78, 2008

The purpose of this research is to explore political dynamics of the ways of Japan's defense capability, asking why the &ldquo;Concept of Basic Defense Capability&rdquo; (<i>kibanteki boeiryoku koso</i>), which was introduced in the 1976 National Defense Planning Outline (<i>boei taiko</i>), has been maintained for over 30 years and how this concept has affected defense capability construction.<br>The ways of defense capability can be typified as four genres. Type I recognizes the threat level as low and emphasizes the autonomy of Japan's defense capability. Type II also admits the importance of autonomy but does not consider the threat level as low. Type III and IV emphasize operability with forces of Japan's ally, the United States. Type III is distinguished from type IV based on the level threat recognition. In the preceding studies, the Concept of Basic Defense Capability was understood as a type I defense concept.<br>In fact, the Concept of Basic Defense Capability has consisted of a number of diverse interpretations, so it can be explained by any of the above ways of defense capability. Around the period that the 1976 NDPO was developed, the Concept of Basic Defense Capability had type I-III interpretations. The vice minister of defense, Kubo Takuya, understood the Concept of Basic Defense Capability was a type I defense concept, but other defense bureaucrats interpreted the Concept of Basic Defense Capability as type II. Some Self-Defense Force officials downplayed low threat recognition and the autonomy of defense capability. In the new cold war era, some defense officials and politicians insisted on restoring the Concept of Necessary Defense Capability (<i>shoyo boeiryoku koso</i>) or modifying the schedule form (<i>beppyo</i>) in the NDPO. However, these counter-concepts against the Concept of Basic Defense Capability had been co-opted in these interpretations of the Concept of Basic Defense Capability, because it included two interpretations other than Kubo's opinion. When the 1995 NDPO was formulated after the cold war period, the interpretation of the Concept of Basic Defense Capability was expanded to type IV.<br>In conclusion, the Concept of Basic Defense Capability has continued for over 30 years, co-opting its counter-concepts in itself, restoring the cracks among domestic groups, and permitting a consensus to be made over the ways of defense capability through its diverse interpretations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「防衛力の在り方」をめぐる政治力学:第一次防衛大綱策定から第二次防衛大綱策定まで(千々和 泰明),2008 https://t.co/L5HXnhKy0d

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