関口 秀夫 山口 裕一郎 小林 裕
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.48, no.4, pp.499-504, 1982
1 5

A giant isopod <i>Bathynomus d&ouml;derleini</i>, captured by the baited trap in the Kumano-nada region, central Japan, was investigated to elucidate its geographical distribution and bathymetric occurrence.<br> <i>B. d&ouml;derleini</i> is distributed mainly at depths from 250m to 550m and completely absent from the traps set in the water shallower than 150m. So these bathynomids are classified as the littoral-bathyal benthos. The abundance of specimens of <i>B. d&ouml;derleini</i> appears to be dependent on the topographic features of bottom.<br> Summing up the informations known to date, <i>B. d&ouml;derleini</i> has not been found from the marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific, and then its geographical distribution accords with the warm Kuroshio Current area along the Pacific coasts of Japan.


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こんな論文どうですか? 大型等脚類オオグソクムシの北西北太平洋水域における分布(関口 秀夫ほか),1982 https://t.co/uXydrL3n4F A giant isopod <i>Bathynomus d&ouml;derleini</…

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