中村 幸子
美術教育 (ISSN:13434918)
vol.2006, no.289, pp.44-50, 2006

Kaneyuki Hyakutake is an oil painter in early Meiji period. This report state what he experienced in London from 1871 to 1874. Consider the relation between his experience and a study oil painting in London. The composition of an article is as follows.<BR>1. Ami and system for studying abroad by the Meiji government.<BR>2. Naohiro's plan in London./Tomomi Iwakura's mission./A life of Naohiro and Hyakutake.<BR>3. Consideration about the meaning of Hyakutake's stay in London.<BR>As a result, he observed many things in London. The experience is very precious to him. Hyakutake realized that Western art is one of Western knowledge. His experience in London was the foundation of studying oil painting.


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明治17年12月21日、百武兼行が死去。幕末の佐賀藩出身で、藩主・鍋島直大の側近を務めた。明治13年に直大がイタリア公使となった際も一緒にローマへ赴任するなど、その関係は生涯続いた。洋画家としても活躍。中村幸子「百武兼行研究」(『美術教育』289)などを参照。 https://t.co/dh0Y9cY69U

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