玉城 進 齋藤 春雄 村田 清高
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.74, no.4, pp.746-752, 1981
2 3

A huge cholesteatoma in a 50-year-old female involving the petrous apex was reported. The prominent features of the case were recurrent attacks of very slowly progressing facial paralysis with a 11-year interval and insidious destruction of labyrinthine function.<br>The cholesteatoma extended into all the air cell tracts up to the petrous apex, and to the retro- and infralabyrinthine-areas.<br>The cholestoma destroyed the otic capsule at the crus commune and resolved the dura mater to such an extent that the cerebellum could be seen through it. As she had experienced acute otitis media on only one occasion at the age of 4 and only had a small dry attic perforation, the possibility of a congenital cholesteatoma of the petrous apex was considered in addition to her clinical course.


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こんな論文どうですか? 内耳摘出術を余儀なくされた巨大真珠腫の1症例 (天理よろづ相談所病院耳鼻咽喉科開設15周年記念論文集)(玉城 進ほか),1981 http://t.co/U4vKVld5K7

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