平田 昌弘 米田 佑子 有賀 秀子 内田 健治 元島 英雅 花田 正明 河合 正人
ミルクサイエンス (ISSN:13430289)
vol.59, no.1, pp.9-22, 2010

The reproduction and identification of ancient dairy products in East Asia were conducted based on "SEIMINYOUJYUTU" which is the order ancient document available in East Asia and contains detailed explanation about milk processing, and then the spread pathway of these milk processing techniques into East Asia was discussed in this paper. As the results of reproduction and identification experiments, RAKU was identified as sour milk, KANRAKU could not be identified, ROKURAKU was identified as unmatured type cheese such as KHOROOT of Mongolian pastoralists and KURUT of Turki pastoralists, and SO was identified as butter and butter oil. Since some imprecise descriptions were found in SEIMINYOUJYUTU through the reproduction experiment, it was considered that Kashikyou, the author of SEIMINYOUJYUTU, was the just editor to use various texts which were gathered from different ethnic origins on milk processing and did not conduct processing milk products by themselves. The milk processing such as sour milk (RAKU) making from raw milk, butter (SO) making from sour milk (RAKU) by churning, butter oil (SO) making from butter by heating are wide spread techniques and still used among the current pastoralists in West Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and Inner Mongolia. As the comparison with components in milk products and the milk processing techniques of pastoralists in the Asian continent, it was concluded that the milk processing techniques adopted in SEIMINYOUJYUTU were mainly influenced from the pastoralists in North Asia and/or Central Asia.


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こんな論文どうですか? 『斉民要術』に基づいた東アジアの古代乳製品の再現と同定(平田 昌弘ほか),2010 https://t.co/vWlYpwJi3k

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