酉水 孜郎
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.12, no.6, pp.527-540, 1936

Since there is a large variety of vegetables cultivated by very intensive methods in the vicinity of T&ocirc;ky&ocirc;, it is possible to find various forms of cultivation, showing the regionality in agriculture of this part of the country.<br> The various forms of cultivation we see are mainly results of thenature of the soils, -climate, crop-rotation, and the intensive method of cultivation used.<br> As the loamy soil of the Musasino Upland, west of T&ocirc;ky&ocirc;, is light and readily holds moisture, barleys on the upland are cultivated by means of the dotted method (Fig 2), which makes it easier for the. farmers to avoid frost damage.<br> On the sandy soil of the Tama-gawa and Ara-kawa flood plains, barleys are cultivated, in line form (Fig. 3), because here frost scarcely does any damage.<br> To avoid the severe frost and the cold N. W. wind in winter, which often injure vegetables, the farmers use coverings to protect the vegetables from frost, but in such a way as not to shade them entirely from sunshine (Fig. 5, 6, 8, 10). The vegetables are also planted on the southern side of the barleys so as not to be damaged by N. W. winds (Fig. 11).<br> During the season from spring to summer, owing to circumstancesof crop-rotation and climate, the winter barleys are not cultivated so. intensively. In that case there are various forms of cultivation (Fig. 9, 12), and the wide spaces between the furrows of barleys is used for some kinds -of vegetables; thus certain forms of inter-tillage can be noticed (Fig. 14, 15 16, 18).<br> As the crop rotates very quickly in this neighbourhood, we have consequently many types of inter-tillage, thus showing the seedling and cropping periods of each plant at the same time (Fig. 17, 19). Inter-tillage applied only to vegetables also may be noticed in this part of the country (Fig. 20, 21) 23, 24).


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こんな論文どうですか? 東京近郊農村の冬の栽培景(酉水 孜郎),1936 https://t.co/zyyvhbzxXl Since there is a large variety of vegetables cultivated by very…
こんな論文どうですか? 東京近郊農村の冬の栽培景(酉水 孜郎),1936 https://t.co/zyyvhbzxXl Since there is a large variety of vegetables cul…
こんな論文どうですか? 東京近郊農村の冬の栽培景(酉水 孜郎),1936 https://t.co/zyyvhbzxXl Since there is a large variety of vegetables cul…

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