小野 昭雄
Japan Society for Occupational Health
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.15, no.6, pp.631-636, 1973

In the previous report, the author demonstrated, using two kinds of questionnaire, that baggage conductors were faced with health problems resulting from their evening and night works and from poor working environmental conditions such as noise, vibration and shock.<BR>In this report, the author wants to show another research in which noise, vibration and shock in the caboose were measured in order to compare the environmental conditions with the results of health questionnaires.<BR>The results are as follows ;<BR>1. There were measured much more times of shock in the caboose than in the baggage car of the express train. Model "YO" of caboose had twice the shock in frequency of Model "KOKIFU" of caboose.<BR>2. As to the strength of shock, more powerful shock was measured in Model "YO" than in Model "KOKIFU" or in the baggage car of the express train.<BR>3. The vibration in these two kinds of caboose and in the baggage car exceeded the "allowable limit of vibration as a vehicle" reported by Oshima, and that of Model "YO" was even beyond the "limit of uncomfortable vibration" reported by. Meister.<BR>4. As to noise, the baggage car of the express train had lower level of noise than these two kinds of caboose. The noise of these two kinds of car were beyond the threshold limit of noise in industry.<BR>5. The results of the environmental investigation showed that baggage conductors on board the caboose pointed out correctly their poor working conditions in the answer to the questionnaire.


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こんな論文どうですか? 列車掛の労働条件:第2編 緩急車の衝撃, 振動, 騒音測定結果の分析(小野 昭雄),1973 https://t.co/C4pVOctq7V

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