竹内 康浩 西崎 恒男 高城 晋 馬淵 千之
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.14, no.6, pp.563-571, 1972 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Large amount of organic solvents is used in the processing industries and most of these industries are medium or small enterprises. Therefore, health of workers working there is liable to be disturbed by organic solvents. And as the workers exposed to organic solvents usually complain of indefinite oilments, recently health of workers exposed to organic solvents became to be studied endocrinologically and neurologically.Two workers exposed to organic solvents in a paints industry consulted us and complained of dizziness, headache, tinnitus, insomnia, slight fever, disturbance of appetite, decrease of body weight, cramp of lower extremities, etc. And in our clinical examination, hypofunction of diencephalon-hypohysis-adrenal cortex system, hypesthesia on one side, continuous slight fever, slight orthostatism, abnormal EEG etc. were found and diagnosed as diencephalon syndrome.Working conditions were investigated. This paints industry is medium enterprise but the work room where the two patients were working was small and ventilated not sufficiently. And it was found that the two worker were being exposed to toluene vapor of which concentration ranged from several hundred ppm to one thausand and several hundred ppm and to smaller concentration of other organic solvents. Therefore, it was thought that the disorders of these two patients were caused chiefly by exposure to toluene vapor.The two patients were detached from the work place and treated in our hospital, but disorders of them were not rapidly improved.In view of these serious health disorders of the two workers, we think it is very important that the toxicity of organic solvents should be still more studied especially concerning the effect to the endocrine and nervous systems, and that the working conditions in work place using organic solvents should be still more improved for prevention of organic solvent poisoning.
岸 玲子 三宅 浩次
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.32, no.1, pp.3-17, 1990 (Released:2009-03-26)

Neurotoxicity of organic solvents is one of the most important emerging issues in the field of occupational health. Psychological testing has been proven useful not only in clinical diagnosis but also in experimental and epidemiological studies. Although various psychobehavioral performance test batteries have been applied in the study of neurotoxicity of organic solvents during these last two decades among European countries and America, only few studies have been made on these in Japan. It is therefore considered very important to review the major papers published to date, clarify the issues being currently discussed, and propose important studies for future.The present paper provides a review of the results obtained by the application of behavioral performance tests in the study of solvent toxicity. The studies reviewed are classified into the follwoing five parts: 1. psychological test batteries developed to date, 2. human experimental studies and experimental field studies on the acute toxicity of organic solvents, 3. epidemiological studies on industrial workers, 4. characteristics of the central nervous system dysfunction caused by organic solvents, and 5. prognosis of workers diagnosed as chronic organic solvent intoxication. The paper also discusses the applicability of psychobehavioral techniques and addresses issues in data collection in the study of the effects of solvent exposure on the nervous system.
山村 行夫 高倉 淳 平山 二三夫 山内 博 吉田 稔
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.17, no.4, pp.223-235, 1975 (Released:2011-03-04)

Two cases of tetraethyl lead (TEL) poisoning are described. Both subjects had been exposed to TEL in the process of scaling using high pressure water stream during the cleaning work inside the aviation fuel tank. The aviation fuel contains TEL in a concentration of 1. 12 g lead per liter. The affected men failed to wear respirators during the cleaning work because the explosimeter indicated a negative reading for petrol. After one hour of tank cleaning work they suffered from lacrimation, running rhinorrhea and vomiting.Case 1. A 54-year-old man was admitted to a general hospital 3 days after the exposure to TEL and complained of hand tremors, amnesia and disorientation. He was restless, violent and confused in the night. On 12th day after the exposure to TEL, the condition bacame worse with marked agitation, delirium, convulsion, fever and coma. He died on 18th day after the exposure to TEL. During the admission, urinary coproporphyrin and basophilic stippling cells were normal ; no blood and urinary lead determination were done.Case 2. A 48-year-old man, on 2nd day after the exposure to TEL complained of chills, tremors, marked nausea and vomiting which persisted all night. Next morning he was admitted to another hospital. He had generalized tremors, ataxia, disorientation and at night he was suspicious, restless and violent. On 9th day after the exposure to TEL, his insomnia and restlessness gradually improved and he was discharged two months later.In this case, urinary lead determinations were done serially from 20 days to 196 days after the accident and blood lead determination was done once a week. On 20th day after the exposure, blood lead level was 52.3μg/100g, urinary lead concentration 586 μg/l and erythrocyte ALA dehydrase (ALA-D) activity was markedly reduced to 0.11μ mole PBG/ml RBC/hr. On 196th day after the exposure to TEL, his condition was both physically and mentally normal but his blood lead level was slightly elevated to 26. 1 μg/100 g and the urinary lead concentration was still at 37.0μg/l (81μg/24hr). Blood triethyl lead levels were found to be 5.8μg Pb/100g after 56 days, steadily decreasing thereafter to 1.3μg Pb/100 g up to 196 days.In this case, the reactivation of erythrocyte ALA-D and the fall of blood lead levels occurred simultanously in a manner similar to that observed in men exposed to inorganic lead. The regression line for erythrocyte logarithmic ALA-D activities and blood lead levels in this case is identical to that obtained from workers exposed to inorganic lead and the control group occupationally unexposed. These results suggest that the reduced erythrocyte ALA-D activities found in the TEL poisoning was due to inorganic lead resulting from the decomposition of TEL.Workmen handling antiknock additives were investigated regarding potential hazardous effects of tetraalkyl lead (TAL). The subjects consisted of workmen who engaged in mixing TAL into petrol, transportation of TAL by trucks or barges and storage tank cleaing. There were no abnormal values of blood lead levels, erythrocyte ALA-D activities or excreted urinary lead in those workmen.
石垣 尚男 宮尾 克
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.36, no.3, pp.181-182, 1994-05-20

装置: 左右に動く対象を識別する能力であるDynamic Visual Acuity(DVA・動体視力)の測定装置を新たに開発し,この装置で5才から92才までの826名の動体視力の加齢影響と性差を調べた.新たに開発した装置は,90°の白色円形スクリーン上をランドルト環が左から右に水平に動くものである.被検者とスクリーンの距離は1.2mである.ランドルト環の切れ目の幅は視角40'であり,視力値で0.025に相当する.ランドルト環は初速210°/sで動き,4.8°/sで自動的に減速する.被検者は顎台に顎をのせ,眼球運動のみでランドルト環を追跡し方向を識別する.被検者は切れ目の方向(上下左右)が識別できたら,直ちに方向を応答する.正しい応答の場合,検者はストップボタンを押す.識別できたときの速度がデジタルで表示される.動体視力のパラメータは,識別できた速度である.測定はこれを5回繰り返し,平均値を用いた.結果: 動体視力は男女とも5才から15才の間に急速に発達していた.とくに,5才から10才の間の発達が顕著であった.この測定では動体視力のピークは男女とも15才であった.20才以降,動体視力は加齢とともにほぼ一定比で低下していた.調査したほとんどの年齢で男性の動体視力が優れていたが,有意差があったのは5才児のみであった.生得的に男性は女性より動体視力が優れているのではないかと推測した.この調査により,動体視力は身体の発育期に発達し,成熟後は加齢とともに低下することが明らかとなった.この結果は動体視力(DVA)の加齢影響は静止視力(SVA)のそれとは全く異なるものであることを示した.
夏目 誠 村田 弘 杉本 寛治 中村 彰夫 松原 和幸 浅尾 博一 藤井 久和
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.30, no.4, pp.266-279, 1988-07-20

川田 智之 新明 ローザ怜美 鈴木 庄亮
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.36, no.2, pp.57-63, 1994-03-20

Breslowの7つの健康に関連する好ましい行動あるいは状態として,喫煙しない・ほどほどの飲酒・定期的運動・適正体重の維持・適度な睡眠時間・朝食の摂取・間食しない,が挙げられ,これら7項目を守ることの重要性は西洋諸国で広く認められ,またそれらに対する保健対策も計画実施されつつある.これらの提言は,米合衆国で行われたコホート調査を基に策定されたものであるが,もともと死亡や疾病発症に対する危険度に関しての結果であるため,予防医学あるいは健康増進の視点から,身体的精神的不具合の主観的愁訴と健康習慣との関連性については十分な検討がなされているとは言えない.著者らは東大式健康調査票(THI)の130項目の質問中に,Breslowの7つの健康習慣が含まれていることを確認し,しかも本調査票が近年広く国内で使用されていることを踏まえて,主観的精神身体愁訴への良い健康習慣の影響を断面調査として実施した.対象は東京都北区の某製造会社の男子工員および事務員とその妻各115人で,夫婦共に回答した各95人(80.5%)を解析対象者とした.夫妻に別居者はなく,居住地は北区,川口市,越谷市等である.自記式健康調査票THIは,心身の主観的健康度を12の尺度とそこから計算される心身症および神経症判別値で数量的に把握できる三択式(はい・ときどき・いいえ)質問紙である.Breslowの健康習慣がTHI質問項目に含まれているので,心身症と神経症の判別値に健康習慣に対する回答結果が影響を与えるため,今回は12尺度について健康習慣との関連性を検討した.調査は1991年3〜4月に実施し,個人結果は自宅に郵送した.なお,統計解析にはMann-Whitney U検定,共分散分析,および林の数量化I類を用いた.また,各健康習慣の有無については,定期性のある場合(はい)を習慣ありとし,それ以外は習慣のない者とした.夫の平均年齢は41.5歳,妻のそれは38.4歳である.Breslowの7つの健康習慣の最頻値は,夫婦共に5個であるが,飲酒と喫煙習慣の違いから,妻の頻度が夫よりも高頻度方向に移動していた.健康習慣の有無で2群に分けた場合,夫では喫煙しないほうが直情怪行性および生活不規則性の両尺度得点が低く,適度な睡眠時間の確保により多愁訴,呼吸器,および口腔肛門の各尺度得点が低く,間食しないほうが多愁訴および直情径行性の両尺度得点が低かった.妻では喫煙しないほうが生活不規則性尺度得点が低く,定期的運動が多愁訴,目と皮膚,および口腔肛門の各尺度得点を下げ,適正体重を維持するほうが呼吸器尺度得点は低く,間食しないほうが呼吸器および口腔肛門の両尺度得点は低下した.7つの健康習慣のうち6つ以上に気をつけているものは3つ以下のものに比べて,夫では多愁訴と直情径行性,妻では呼吸器の各尺度得点が有意に小さかった.林の数量化I類による健康習慣とTHI各尺度得点の関連性では,偏相関係数0.3以上の生活習慣は妻の多愁訴に及ぼす定期的運動のみであり,年齢は夫で虚構性と情緒不安定性両尺度得点に,妻で直情径行性尺度得点に関連が大きかった.断面調査の結果であるため因果関係は確定できないが,健康習慣と自覚的健康との関連性には大きな性差があるものの,上記のような関連性を認めた.
岸 玲子 伊東 一郎 石津 澄子 原渕 泉 三宅 浩次
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.33, no.4, pp.241-250, 1991-07-20

川上 憲人 原谷 隆史 金子 哲也 小泉 明
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.29, no.1, pp.55-63, 1987-01-20
