辻 達彦 矢野 ヨシ 逸見 てる子 塚越 京子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.16, no.6, pp.443-453, 1966

The relationship between prenatal care and perinatal mortality, and incidence of prematurity was studied in Omama town (pop., 18, 000) of Gunma prefecture.<BR>There was no conclusive evidence of a significant association between prenatal care and perinatal mortality. However, an incidence of prematurity, particularly of low birth weight group, wats more prevalent among the group of insufficient prenatal care, as judged from later onset of prenatal care and fewer visits during prenatal period. Furthermore, several socio-medical aspecs were analyzed and discussed. On the basis of these findings, special risk group of parents was suggested and the problem-centered approach of maternity care in the community was stressed.


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こんな論文どうですか? 妊婦養護と児の予後に関する調査研究:郡部一町村の母子保健の評価(辻 達彦ほか),1966 http://t.co/EkSCDd3zw4

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