小川 正行 永田 稔 辻 達彦
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.45, no.4, pp.153-161, 1979 (Released:2011-02-25)
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A device for underwater weighing by utilizing a swimming pool was tentatively made, and with it, the weights in water of 111 male students were measured. And from the thus obtained weights in water, the body density was calculated to be compared, for its justification, with those already reported by other workers in the literature. This study aimed at the examination of the body composition of boys in the developing stage. And the points to pay attention in this case were discussed. The principal findings were as follows: 1) The body density obtained by this method from the above mentioned subjects was 1.0724 ± 0.0092 (mean ± standard deviation). This approximately agrees with 1.07, the normal (general) value for the Japanese adolescent males, estimated from the reports in the literature. 2) The residual volume (RV), an important factor determining the body density needs to be measured exactly. The maximal expiratory level which affects RV, is relatively easy to determine in case of the underwater weighing thanks to water pressure. When elementary school children are the subjects of weighing, however, sufficient attention must be paid to avoid danger, because breething needs to be arrested during a time from the attainment of the maximal expiratory level until the end of the weighing. 3) The underwater weighing can be made within 5 seconds after the attainment of the maximal expiratory level of the subject. The body weights in water of the subjects of the present study averaged 3.03±0.578kg (range, 4.25 to 1.60kg.).
辻 達彦 永田 稔 伊藤 洋子 今村 晋 松井 寿夫 芦沢 義郎
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.28, no.2, pp.294-301, 1973

亜鉛製錬所全従業員1398人のCd特殊健診第2次健診として,第1次健診成績をもとに抽出した214人(男181女33)の尿中Cd量の,測定を行ない,成績の検討をした。その主なる所見は以下のごとくであった。<br>1)対象集団の尿Cd量の中央値は男4.7μg/<i>l</i>,女4.1μg/<i>l</i>であった。10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは男29人(16%),女5人(15.2%)であった。<br>2) 職場環境としての気中Cd濃度は昭和46年では高濃度職場でも0.024mg/m<sup>3</sup>と許容濃度以下であるが, 44年時の測定では最高0.73mg/m<sup>3</sup>で許容濃度を超えている職場が多くあった。<br>3) 職域群別分類で尿中Cd量を比較するとき製錬2課(群V)と,その下請作業者(群VI)および退職者(Cd作業経歴者)は他群に比し高値を示す傾向にある。<br>4) Cd作業者の作業従事年数と尿中Cd量間には, <i>r</i>=0.330と低度ながら有意の相関々係を認めた(<i>P</i><0.01) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは勤続2年の女1例を除いてはいずれも3年以上の勤続者である。また, Cd作業者について10μg/<i>l</i>以上の排泄者をみるとき,従事期間5年を境に出現率は有意に高率となる(<i>P</i><0.01)。<br>5) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは,それ以下の群に比して自覚的愁訴が全般的に多い。両者間で統計的に有意差を認める愁訴としては「よく手足がつる」「下痢をし易い」「耳鳴りがする」「腰痛」の, 4項目がある。<br>6) 内科精密検診対象者としてCd 1日排泄量20μg以上の9人を選定した。これらは,いずれも何らかの所見を有するが,そのうち3例については慢性Cd中毒の検討対象としては,除外できることが検討会で承認された。不受診者1例を除いた残り5例は継続観察が必要である。なお,これら9例は全てCd作業者またはその経歴者である。<br>内科精検所見の一部引用を,こころよく御了承下さった,本学第一内科学教室主任,小林節雄教授に深謝します。
辻 達彦 矢野 ヨシ 逸見 てる子 塚越 京子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.16, no.6, pp.443-453, 1966

The relationship between prenatal care and perinatal mortality, and incidence of prematurity was studied in Omama town (pop., 18, 000) of Gunma prefecture.<BR>There was no conclusive evidence of a significant association between prenatal care and perinatal mortality. However, an incidence of prematurity, particularly of low birth weight group, wats more prevalent among the group of insufficient prenatal care, as judged from later onset of prenatal care and fewer visits during prenatal period. Furthermore, several socio-medical aspecs were analyzed and discussed. On the basis of these findings, special risk group of parents was suggested and the problem-centered approach of maternity care in the community was stressed.
辻 達彦 加瀬 芳夫 逸見 てる子 伊藤 洋子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.24, no.3, pp.153-160, 1974

This paper is concerned with the statistical studies on the 99 cases of the maternal death in Gunma prefecture during the period of 5 years (from 1965 to 1969).<BR>Results were as follows : <BR>1. The mean value of maternal mortality per year was 19.8 ± 5.54. More than 60% of total cases was observed in the group aged over 30, and the number of the cases in the group of ages over 35 years was unexpectedly high.<BR>2. Concerning with the causes of death, when compared with those of previous study (from 1957 to 1960), toxaemia and bleeding were decreased, while those of postabortal death and others were increased. The number of death from infection and ectopia is not significantly changed. Over all the cases of maternal death were decreased in the prefecture.<BR>3. As for the place of death, the number of the cases other than medical clinic was decreased. However, the cases of death in the group of home confinement were still observed in aged pregnancy, indicating the direction to be stressed in maternal and child health.<BR>4. Little changes were observed in the rank order of the number of the cases in the district of each territorial health center when compared with that of previous study (from 1957 to 1960). No community in the prefecture had maternal death every year, and maximum number of occurrence of the case in one community was three throughout 5 years. There was no consistency in the occurrence of the case in any special district. The result might suggest that the maternal deaths in the prefecture were caused by some arbitrary factors.<BR>5. In spite of above results, the data suggested the need of precaution for toxaemia in mountain area and some part of town area, and that for bleeding in the districts near border of the prefectures.<BR>The results of the study indicate that the intensive precautions for the maternal death are still needed, especially for toxaemia and bleeding. The paper also emphasizes the need of emergency care system to reduce the maternal deaths in the prefecture.