森 陽子 望月 清 樋口 輝久 馬場 俊介
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究論文集 (ISSN:13495712)
vol.23, pp.45-57, 2004

<I>Fuji-bashi</I>, completed in 1915 over the Fuji River in Sizuoka Prefecture, is probably the longest span suspension bridge as well as only one railway suspension bridge in Japan before the World War II. However it's existence has been forgotten for a long time. The reason of oblivion will be as follows; that is, it was constructed by a private paper-manufacturing company, and it was used only four years until it was destructed in the stormy night with intent to save disaster. The purpose of this paper is to regain its reputation, and try to emphasize that <I>Fuji-bashi</I> is one of the important structures in the history of civil engineering of the modernized era in Japan. The paper contains lots of original data concerning its construction.


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