市川 新 楠田 哲也 松井 三郎 盛岡 通 近藤 隆二郎 カーン ジャミール アーマド カウザー
公益社団法人 土木学会
環境システム研究 (ISSN:09150390)
no.23, pp.332-338, 1995

Moenjo-daro, one of the old civilizations in the world, was equipped with the perfect drainage system, wells and a great bath, which were excavated during 1920-30's, by British archaeologists, Sir John Marshall, Earnest MacKay and others. Those archaeologists supposed that these facilities associated with water had served almost same purpose as those in modern times do. However, there are many things which these hypotheses couldnot explain the real conditions. In this paper we would like to highlight the exact purpose of these water-related facilities, on the basis of hydraulic viewpoints.


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こんな論文どうですか? モヘンジョダロの水利施設の目的を推理する(市川 新ほか),1995 https://t.co/4STbI6YDqO Moenjo-daro, one of the old civilizations in the world…
こんな論文どうですか? モヘンジョダロの水利施設の目的を推理する(市川 新ほか),1995 https://t.co/4STbI6YDqO Moenjo-daro, one of the old civilizations in the world…
こんな論文どうですか? モヘンジョダロの水利施設の目的を推理する(市川 新ほか),1995 https://t.co/4STbI6YDqO Moenjo-daro, one of the old civilizations in the world…

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