片山 正夫
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.2, no.3, pp.104-110, 1952

Up to the present day, the affinities of <I>Döderleinia berycoides</I> (H<SUB>ILGENDORF</SUB>) are not certainly known. In this anatomical study it was found that this species was closely related to <I>Synagrops japonicus</I> (S<SUB>TEINDACHNER</SUB> et D<SUB>ÖDERLEIN</SUB>). It is worthy of a special mention that it is characteristic of these species to have a spherical hollow on each siele in the basioccipital and the exoccipital of the ventral side of the cranium, which the writer herein calls the basicccipital fossa, and in which the anterior spherical branch of the air-bladder firmly fits. In spite of the resemblance of <I>Synagrops</I> to <I>Apogon</I> (A pogonidae) in having the seperated dorsals and two spines in anal fin, the affinity of this genus seems rather closer to Döderleinia. It should be transferred to the Serranidae and included in the Doderleininae with the latter. On the other hand, these genera are related to <I>Stereolepis, Malakichtliys</I> (Serranidae), and <I>Acropoma</I> (Acropomidae) in some important features.


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